[Comic] xkcd Thread

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The USGS operates a really neat email/SMS earthquake notification service (earthquake.usgs.gov/ens/) that allows fine-grained control of notifications.

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There's also a Katamari level where everything is just slightly bigger than you, and a Mario level with a star just out of reach.

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The chemistry experiment had me figuratively -- and then shortly thereafter literally -- glued to my seat.

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I mean, it's been almost twenty years. Now, it's possible you're simply embedding Windows directory paths in your URIs, but in that case you need more than just a short lecture.

Couldn't agree more on this one too...:angry:

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I just caught myself idly trying to work out what that resistor mass would actually be, and realized I had self-nerd-sniped.

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Telescopes and bathyscapes and sonar probes of Scottish lakes, Tacoma Narrows bridge collapse explained with abstract phase-space maps, some x-ray slides, a music score, Minard's Napoleonic war: the most exciting new frontier is charting what's already here.

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We're also stuck with blurry, juddery, slow-panning 24fps movies forever because (thanks to 60fps home video) people associate high framerates with camcorders and cheap sitcoms, and thus think good framerates look 'fake'.

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In the off-seasons, I hire an animal trainer to help confront secret agents with situations which they are unable to report by radio.

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We're also stuck with blurry, juddery, slow-panning 24fps movies forever because (thanks to 60fps home video) people associate high framerates with camcorders and cheap sitcoms, and thus think good framerates look 'fake'.

This is so true. I have no idea why 1080p is supposed to be impressive

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We once got grounded when we convinced the FAA to block flights through our county because of ash clouds.

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The XKCD comics are slowly return to good old classic form! Nice stab at the Icelandic volcano disruptions a few weeks back laugh.gif

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Three headstones down, I got a call from my mom and it went from bad to worse.

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I am firmly of the opinion that if something doesn't have a year on it, every time the expiration date rolls around it is good again for the two weeks preceeding that date.

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