[Comic] xkcd Thread

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At one point, by force of childhood habit, the doctor accidentally removed three or four organs.

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The article has twenty-three citations, one of which is an obscure manuscript from the 1490's and the other twenty-two are arguments on LanguageLog.

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You fancy me mad. Could a madman have outsmarted the greatest electronica/techno artists of our era? Next to fall will be Roderick Usher's house/trance band.

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I'm looking to virally monetize your eyeballs by selling them for transplants.

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100 years later, this story remains terrifying--not because it's the local network block, but because the killer is still on IPv4.

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100 years later, this story remains terrifying--not because it's the local network block, but because the killer is still on IPv4.

At the rate we're getting switched over to IPv6, we still might be on it then ohmy.gif

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The heartfelt tune it plays is CC licensed, and you can get it from my seed on JoinDiaspora.net whenever that project gets going.

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There's nothing hotter than porn dubbed over with a poorly-mic'd teenager's voice explaining each step in a droning monotone.

'okay, we're almost at the spawn point ... separate the labia, but watch out, there are more inside them ...'

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And of course I had to redo this like three times because I kept writing 'UNTIE'; I kept doing 'doing 'doing it wrong' wrong' wrong.

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The definitions I grew up with were that a geek is someone unusually into something (so you could have computer geeks, baseball geeks, theater geeks, etc) and nerds are (often awkward) science, math, or computer geeks. But definitions vary.

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To get serious analyses of hurricanes and oil slicks, see Jeff Masters' blog. To get serious discussions of worst-case scenario thinking, see Bruce Schneier's blog. To get enough Vitamin D, don't read any blogs and go outside instead.

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Volunteers needed for a study on transmission of urushiol from digital contact with thin strips of fibrous cellulose pulp.

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Of course, since their cautionary tale was reported in a print newspaper, no one read it.

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Parents: talk to your kids about popup blockers. Also, at some point, sex. But crucial fundamentals first!

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Also, if you read his speech at Rice, all his arguments for going to the moon work equally well as arguments for blowing up the moon, sending cloned dinosaurs into space, or constructing a towering penis-shaped obelisk on Mars.

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The prereqs for CPSC 357, the class on package management, are CPCS 432, CPSC 357, and glibc2.5 or later.

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Replace the pendulums with history students and you'll qualify for a grant!

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News networks giving a greater voice to viewers because the social web is so popular are like a chef on the Titanic who, seeing the looming iceberg and fleeing customers, figures ice is the future and starts making snow cones.

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This is also one of only five identified situations in which a vuvuzela is actually appropriate.

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