When it comes to gaming events or conferences, E3 is one of the largest of the year. So it comes as a bit of a surprise that THQ Nordic has chosen to sit out the event. What's even more curious is that the company has even released a press release for its absence, stating that the team will instead be enjoying the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
The publisher states:
"It is with great regret that we at THQ Nordic must report that we will be unable to miss a single moment of this great sporting event. Therefore, we will be forced to stay in our lovely Viennese beer gardens, blowing the froth off a couple, watching football and one or two cool press conferences on Twitch (looking at you, Devolver) instead of rocking it ourselves."
While huge industry conferences like E3 used to be the main stage for many companies, some have chosen to go off the beaten path in recent years by holding its own events or participating in smaller, more consumer-focused events.
In lieu of missing E3, THQ Nordic will instead be showcasing its works at gamescom and PAX West. The firm has announced that Darksiders 3, Biomutant, Fade to Silence, and Wreckfest will be part of its lineup. The publisher even teased that it will also have some new and unannounced titles to reveal.
Source: THQ Nordic via Polygon
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