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Fantastic stuff, dude. Really like the user friendly creation of colour schemes (and yes, I totally made it blue, because I love blue). Eagerly awaiting support for .wav, but I'm very pleased with what you've done here. Heck, even the 'Coming soon' screens look nice.  (Y)

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Just installed.  Thanks for the early release!


Recommendations: Implement the option to group in the Album pane by year or album artist and choose to sort either ascending or descending.  Also it would be nice if you could right-click an album or song and have an option pop up to view in Explorer (which would open an Explorer window to the location of that album or song). Sorting by album artist would be a helpful option, too, as opposed to album title.

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Feature Suggestion:


Option to have the mini player window float on top of other windows.


Cheers for an awesome app. Working fine on Windows 10 TP2 :)

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Just installed.  Thanks for the early release!


Recommendations: Implement the option to group in the Album pane by year or album artist and choose to sort either ascending or descending.  Also it would be nice if you could right-click an album or song and have an option pop up to view in Explorer (which would open an Explorer window to the location of that album or song). Sorting by album artist would be a helpful option, too, as opposed to album title.


That will happen. I have some technical problems to solve first though (mostly performance issues when grouping in the Albums list).

Feature Suggestion:


Option to have the mini player window float on top of other windows.


Cheers for an awesome app. Working fine on Windows 10 TP2 :)


Good idea! Will be possible in the next build.

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Your app looks astonishing on my Laptop.


I look forward to what the future brings to your app!


Thanks! And, me too :laugh:

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Fantastic stuff, dude. Really like the user friendly creation of colour schemes (and yes, I totally made it blue, because I love blue). Eagerly awaiting support for .wav, but I'm very pleased with what you've done here. Heck, even the 'Coming soon' screens look nice.  (Y)


You know what's bad? It actually already supports decoding .wav's. I just block it by extension (no idea why I never included it). I'll add support for wav in the next build.

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Feature suggestion: I'd love the ability to favourite artists so that they stick to the top :)


Thanks. Task created :)

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I love this music player, but one quick question. Do you think it would be possible to add a feature(s) to sync to itunes for idevices, or even android? if so I would use this exclusively. Awesome work man.

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So, I installed it. Loving it so far. It would be nice to have as option to go to the now playing screen automatically when you start a song. Also having an automatic play queue (it queues the following tracks in playlist or folder tree) there on the now playing screen. There is a slight glitch on the play/pause button. The right side is missing one column of pixels. I am running Windows in 120% DPI.

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I love this music player, but one quick question. Do you think it would be possible to add a feature(s) to sync to itunes for idevices, or even android? if so I would use this exclusively. Awesome work man.


Thanks! As for syncing with itunes or android: that's not planned yet.



So, I installed it. Loving it so far. It would be nice to have as option to go to the now playing screen automatically when you start a song. Also having an automatic play queue (it queues the following tracks in playlist or folder tree) there on the now playing screen. There is a slight glitch on the play/pause button. The right side is missing one column of pixels. I am running Windows in 120% DPI.


Thanks for reporting the play/pause issue. I've logged a bug and it will be fixed soon.


What do you have in mind for the now playing queue? I'm interested to know. At the moment, now playing plays all songs which are in the same list as where you double-clicked. But it doesn't display what it will play. Would you like to see all songs in the queue from the now playing screen, or should it display the next song in line? Or did you have another idea?

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Just had my first crash :(


Basically I opened the application, double clicked on the first artist/first track in the list then hit Skip and it crashed.


Below is from the crash window


Dopamine log


let me know if there is anything else you need.

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:	APPCRASH
  Application Name:	Dopamine.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:	54d60e99
  Fault Module Name:	ntdll.dll
  Fault Module Version:	6.3.9600.17476
  Fault Module Timestamp:	54516af9
  Exception Code:	c0000005
  Exception Offset:	0001e493
  OS Version:	6.3.9600.
  Locale ID:	2057
  Additional Information 1:	5861
  Additional Information 2:	5861822e1919d7c014bbb064c64908b2
  Additional Information 3:	a10f
  Additional Information 4:	a10ff7d2bb2516fdc753f9c34fc3b069

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Just had my first crash :(


Basically I opened the application, double clicked on the first artist/first track in the list then hit Skip and it crashed.


Below is from the crash window


Dopamine log


let me know if there is anything else you need.

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:	APPCRASH
  Application Name:	Dopamine.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:	54d60e99
  Fault Module Name:	ntdll.dll
  Fault Module Version:	6.3.9600.17476
  Fault Module Timestamp:	54516af9
  Exception Code:	c0000005
  Exception Offset:	0001e493
  OS Version:	6.3.9600.
  Locale ID:	2057
  Additional Information 1:	5861
  Additional Information 2:	5861822e1919d7c014bbb064c64908b2
  Additional Information 3:	a10f
  Additional Information 4:	a10ff7d2bb2516fdc753f9c34fc3b069

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Thanks! The log doesn't tell me anything, that's not your fault, but mine :). There's still some crash handling that didn't make it in this build. I'll add it for the next build. And if it then crashes, we should get more info.

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Ok, no problem, Its only happened once.


I know you've had a lot of feedback already so I'm going to wait till the end of this week before I post anything but keep up the good work:)

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Again, well done sir on this app. Loving it. It's my default music app now :)


Couple of points....


First, the navigation list on the left side of the app, the curve on the bottom of the dopamine logo is flattened for each of the A, B, C etc list headings. It might be due to the display scaling (I'm on 125%).




For those with a long list of artists, scrolling this list is a little troublesome. So, nicely done with the keyboard shortcuts here. Press G for example, drops me into G on the list. Excellent.


However, would be nice to have some love for the mouse also :)


How about more inspiration from Windows Phone? Click on one of the headers in the list brings up the alphabet + 0-9/# character (so 27 icons). Selecting one of the 27 icons drops you straight to that part of the list.

Track8 (no longer in development) on the iPhone/iPad is a good example, see ~ 25sec mark


Just a thought. But loving the app as is :)



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Again, well done sir on this app. Loving it. It's my default music app now :)


Couple of points....


First, the navigation list on the left side of the app, the curve on the bottom of the dopamine logo is flattened for each of the A, B, C etc list headings. It might be due to the display scaling (I'm on 125%).




For those with a long list of artists, scrolling this list is a little troublesome. So, nicely done with the keyboard shortcuts here. Press G for example, drops me into G on the list. Excellent.


However, would be nice to have some love for the mouse also :)


How about more inspiration from Windows Phone? Click on one of the headers in the list brings up the alphabet + 0-9/# character (so 27 icons). Selecting one of the 27 icons drops you straight to that part of the list.

Track8 (no longer in development) on the iPhone/iPad is a good example, see ~ 25sec mark


Just a thought. But loving the app as is :)




Thanks for reporting the artists headers cut off at 125%! I fixed some UI issues at 125% yesterday, but missed that one. It is fixed now :)

And for the mouse lovin: great idea -> task created.

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Alright everyone. This is what's been done since the last build:


- Fixed GUI glitches when using an item size of 125% in Windows
- Added support for .wav files
- Added Green and Yellow ColorSchemes
- Improved logging for crashes
- Added an option to keep the mini player on top of other windows

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i tried to add tracks by simply moving my "thisPC/music folder into folders and for some reason for me, it isn't adding the music. I have to go down each folder tree just to the folder where my MP3's are located and select that file.


I have a rather large MP3 collection and alot of folders. But I'll take my time until it gets resolved. great app.

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That's actually pretty handy!

i tried to add tracks by simply moving my "thisPC/music folder into folders and for some reason for me, it isn't adding the music. I have to go down each folder tree just to the folder where my MP3's are located and select that file.


I have a rather large MP3 collection and alot of folders. But I'll take my time until it gets resolved. great app.


Could you send me the logfile? I don't have a clue yet why this would happen.

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There needs to be a way to select all artists/album (or unselect an artist or album) because as soon as you click on an artist or album on the left the search box will only search the currently selected artist or album until you close the player.


edit: then I hit ctrl+a...

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There needs to be a way to select all artists/album (or unselect an artist or album) because as soon as you click on an artist or album on the left the search box will only search the currently selected artist or album until you close the player.


edit: then I hit ctrl+a...


Indeed, you can select all :) And you can unselect by clicking an already selected artist or album.

its not creating an error and where do I locate such log files? I have a veterans affairs exam right now and I'll come back later to address this issue with you. thanks.


The logfile is located here: C:\Users\<your_user_name>\AppData\Roaming\Dopamine\Log

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