If Linux ran a lot more games...

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If Linux ran a lot more games...

Would you think about switching Operating Systems?

OK, so I know that it isn't Linux's fault but the Game Creators for not making most games compatible with Linux, but if they did then would you think about swapping over?

I think I would.

Btw, I'm no Fanboy, just open minded. :)

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It doesn't matter if Linux had a lot more games, the OS needs to be a lot more user-friendly first, eg: you shouldn't have to compile programs, and install libraries etc..

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I wouldn't considder switching to Linux EVER :)

But some online Gaming servers (For games like HALO PC) should be run on linux (not all of them) as it is a stabler OS than windows

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If Linux ran a lot more games...

Would you think about switching Operating Systems?

this is the one and only single reason why i'm still running windows.

linux can do everything perfectly, plus alot more than windows, xcept games :(

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Even though I already run both OSes about equally...

No. No I wouldn't. I wouldn't even consider it.

Now, if Linux ever gets a single, decent, coherent desktop that's easy to use, powerful and -easily- customizable - then I might consider it.

I still wouldn't do it. But I'd consider it.

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this is the one and only single reason why i'm still running windows.

linux can do everything perfectly, plus alot more than windows, xcept games :(

Have you tried WineX? I installed WarCraftIII on Linux with WineX and I play on Battle.net every day.

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Games would _not_ need to be compiled. They would also include all the libaries you need (I'm going off the UT2k3 hybrid here).

The reason most Linux software has a compiled option is so that people who like messing around with their software can.

RPMs (basically zip's with extra info in them to tell it where to put all the binaries), while far from perfect, make it a lot easier.

However, autopackage (autopackage.org) and apt for RPM (google it) make installing trivial. Synaptic (GUI for APT) makes installing far easier than Windows. Simply search for the package name, hit install and then press continue when you've selected all the apps. It then checks for dependencies (the major problem with RPMs) and grabs any that it needs. Downloads, Installs and puts an item in your Gnome or KDE menu. Simple as that.

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If all OS's had an equal amount of games, I'd swtich to mac before I did to linux. The linux is great and all, but as a main OS it gets kinda annoying.

On windows/mac, you install the os through a simple "Click Click Click" type installer that doesn't need a huge amount of user interaction. To install your drivers, you just download the driver executables and keep on clicking "Next" and "Ok". To install apps, again it's "Next" and "Ok". What could be easier?

On linux however, there always seems to be extra steps, or something doesn't work right, etc. I do like linux for its stability, and some games run better on it, but I don't know if I'd get rid of windows for it.

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this is the one and only single reason why i'm still running windows.

linux can do everything perfectly, plus alot more than windows, xcept games :(

It's driver support is still ****, and that's my main gripe, becuase lack of drivers makes most of my multimedia worthless, or not worth using. Games I could care less about, but at least make playing DVDs with full speaker support as easy as it is in Windows.

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yes, yes I would...games are THE ONLY reason i still have windows on one machine...that machine also has removable hard drives and I usually boot it into Slackware. My laptop runs Jamd exclusively. My girl came to visit me (we live in separate provinces because I moved) and after using linux for A WEEK (not even being forced to) she is ready to make the switch. Linux is simply a better OS. I truly despise booting into Windows XP nowadays.

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it seems to me like many of you have been misinformed, linux is not unfriendly to users, you ONLY have to compile packages if you want to, there are prepackaged files .deb, .rpm that are like the windows .exe files, double click them and it installs. and what is the problem with compiling programs anyway, a highschool dropout with half a brain could do it

# make

all done, easy as pi

i run linux, i am quite happy with the games that it does run


the home of WineX, it runs alot of windows games very well, sometimes better than on windows

linux isnt as stoneage or unfriendly as many of you think. it only appears that way because you have been using windows your whole life, got used to the system, start > do stuff >crash > reboot > start >do stuff > click > etc etc etc

to me, someone who has been using linux for maybe, a year without ever touching windows, windows is ALOT more unfriendly than windows, its monitor setup, its settings, unlogical, not in the rite place, how diffficult

what i am trying to say, is the user friendlyiness is a matter of perspective

if you give linux a fair try without believing the whole time that it will be bad windows is better, you may quite like it

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linux isnt as stoneage or unfriendly as many of you think. it only appears that way because you have been using windows your whole life, got used to the system, start > do stuff >crash > reboot > start >do stuff > click > etc etc etc

to me, someone who has been using linux for maybe, a year without ever touching windows, windows is ALOT more unfriendly than windows, its monitor setup, its settings, unlogical, not in the rite place, how diffficult

I'll believe in Linux the day I can get this computer running everything I want it to in the same amount of time I can do it in Windows (about 5 hours with a format and OS install). Windows drivers have become stupidly easily to install, yet attempting to get my sound card, my tv tuner, my full drive of music, etc working takes so much longer in Linux. And I've used it for a long time now, there really still is no easy way.

Same with games and Wine. Why use Linux when Windows really is so much easier to install games on?

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winex maybe be good, but not as good as native linux support.

when you buy new game you just have to hope that it will work w/ winex...and it doesn't work god knows when/if there is going to be an update.

for me "easy of use" is not a factor. i need to figure out how to do something, i will. it's not an issue or even a hassle to learn how to compile applications or modify config files.

i do not despise windows, but i'd rather use something more secure, customizable, optimal, and not being dependent on one corp who's only goal in mind is getting more $ out of consumers

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The real question is how long can Linux survive on the "free" model? I mean where do these places get their revenue from besides companies? Sooner or later (I feel) development will grind to a halt, or at least feel that way, because the companies just aren't making money with it to continue supporting it. I'd love to see Linux take off but I'm not really sure that the business model works. Especially with Red Hat's main man stating that home users are better off using Windows and Mandrake struggling to keep their collective heads above water. :/

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Suse does just fine on it's strategy...it's cheap, but not free...and is still open source...

Linux does not equal free, it means open source. The fact it is cheaper, and usually free, is just a nice bonus. I would gladly pay the same amount for a good linux distro as I would for windows...though I cannot see me ever buying another windows version again. It took a lot of coorcing and being GIVEN a lega copy for me to actually install XP on my machine. I must admit I liked whistler but XP killed all the reasons I liked whistler.

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for me "easy of use" is not a factor. i need to figure out how to do something, i will. it's not an issue or even a hassle to learn how to compile applications or modify config files.

i do not despise windows, but i'd rather use something more secure, customizable, optimal, and not being dependent on one corp who's only goal in mind is getting more $ out of consumers

It is for most people. And in many cases its not even a need to figure out how to do something, it's the time it takes to just install/compile/make things work in Linux versus the time it takes in Windows. Factor in the time spent waiting for software in development that will be as good as their Windows alternatives, and that time becomes huge.

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It is for most people. And in many cases its not even a need to figure out how to do something, it's the time it takes to just install/compile/make things work in Linux versus the time it takes in Windows. Factor in the time spent waiting for software in development that will be as good as their Windows alternatives, and that time becomes huge.

um wtf are you talking about?

once again uneducated speaks :no:

time it takes to just install things in linux is exactly the same if not faster versus the time it takes in windows.

there is no time spent waiting for software in development. i can list 100s programs that are infinitely superior to their windows alternatives and in many cases don't even have windows alternative.

but all this is beside the point since it's not the original question stated.

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I think the Linux desktop craze is starting to take a serious nosedive. The Linux developers are more interested in cloning the latest Apple GUI instead of FIXING THE BUGS.


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I think the Linux desktop craze is starting to take a serious nosedive. The Linux developers are more interested in cloning the latest Apple GUI instead of FIXING THE BUGS.


thank you for making worthless post completly off-topic


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I guess I already run Linux and Windows. But if Linux supported more games I'd probably run Linux more then Windows. But either way I'd be using both OSes since neither of them support all my software.

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I use Linux for a lot of my desktop use. The only reason I use Windows is for games, and for a stupid school program that Wine won't run.

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