If Linux ran a lot more games...

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I am a C/C++ developer and I use both *nix machines (via shell) and Windows machines a lot. I have used X many time. I even switched completely to SuSe. I've ran RedHat/FreeBSD/Slackware/Mandrake and I believe another one which i don't recall the name but it was a very small console based distro. Anyway, I used Linux for a while as a Desktop, and I personally didn't like it much since it did lack a lot of features which I like in Windows. Plus I also noticed it lacked good gaming support, and I didn't want to sit around trying to make Wine play my games for hours. So eventually i had to install Windows, because i needed to run a windows program Linux refused to run, and then i was dual booting. I slowly migrated to Windows, and deleted the linux partitions. It's not that Linux is bad, I must admit Linux ran very nicely on my computer compared to Windows. Everything was faster, but i really didn't like the desktop that was presented to me in all cases. I mean I liked KDE but it was slow, and I liked GNOME, but sometimes it would just get me mad. What i did notice though was I didn't really like the programs for X, and I really didn't like the menu setups. Maybe if they fixed all that I would go back. Companies need to start making more games for Linux ASAP. I am pretty much neutral, but I do perfer Windows as my GUI and Linux as for a console.

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thank you for making worthless post completly off-topic


Did I lie?

Was I off-topic?

The damn OS couldn't even put my video card in 640x480 mode. How can I take it as a serious gaming platform?

Oh, and it was an ATI Radeon 9700.

Seriously, you'd get better gaming support under MacOS X than Linux.


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i think i would change to linux if there was more support for games and apps.

i ran a dual boot linux and XP system for a while and i have to say i liked linux alot,

but i had no use for it, as there was nothing that would run on it.

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Did I lie?

Was I off-topic?

The damn OS couldn't even put my video card in 640x480 mode. How can I take it as a serious gaming platform?

Oh, and it was an ATI Radeon 9700.

Seriously, you'd get better gaming support under MacOS X than Linux.


You have to be willing to read some documentation first. Configuring X isn't difficult.

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You have to be willing to read some documentation first. Configuring X isn't difficult.


I've been running Linux since the MINIX days in college in the mid-80's and I'm working on 2 UNIX books. I know what I'm doing, and it was CONFIRMED on rage3d.com that the 9700 didn't work on Linux until THREE MONTHS after the card came out.

Stop sounding like a Linux apologist. Any OS should know enough to put a card in 640x480x8bit at 60Hz.


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Linux should have more games....

The worst thing is, I garantee EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US can get our hardware to overclock faster, harder, longer, and stable in linux. But WHY BOTHER?!?! Because we're not going to be running advanced realtime graphics ANYWAY!!!!

ARGHHHHH :crazy:

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um wtf are you talking about?

once again uneducated speaks :no:

time it takes to just install things in linux is exactly the same if not faster versus the time it takes in windows.

there is no time spent waiting for software in development. i can list 100s programs that are infinitely superior to their windows alternatives and in many cases don't even have windows alternative.

but all this is beside the point since it's not the original question stated.

Hey genius, this topic is about GAMES in LINUX. Try finding me an equal number of games for Linux as there are in Windows, and tell me they are as easy to install as they are in Windows. :angry:

Not to mention the fact that drivers, to run things like video cards, and audio cards aren't as plentiful for Linux as they are in Windows, and face it, aren't as easy to set up. So have fun with your "100s of programs" that are infinitely superior to their Windows counterparts while playing Tux Racer :rolleyes:

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Hey genius, this topic is about GAMES in LINUX. Try finding me an equal number of games for Linux as there are in Windows, and tell me they are as easy to install as they are in Windows.  :angry:

Not to mention the fact that drivers, to run things like video cards, and audio cards aren't as plentiful for Linux as they are in Windows, and face it, aren't as easy to set up. So have fun with your "100s of programs" that are infinitely superior to their Windows counterparts while playing Tux Racer  :rolleyes:

Tux racer? :huh: I'm usually too busy playing Unreal Tournament 2003, Americas Army, Neverwinter Nights, Quake 3, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, SimCity 3000, Medal of Honor, (soon to be released) Doom 3 and the countless thousands provided by WINE and WineX.

If your so n00bish that you **** your pants when you see a command line, stay on Windows, but do us all a favor and SHUT UP

btw, Tux Racers kicks ass :whistle:

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Hey genius, this topic is about GAMES in LINUX. Try finding me an equal number of games for Linux as there are in Windows, and tell me they are as easy to install as they are in Windows.  :angry:

Not to mention the fact that drivers, to run things like video cards, and audio cards aren't as plentiful for Linux as they are in Windows, and face it, aren't as easy to set up.

dumbass, like i said before linux does not have same number of games.

however games that do exist on linux are just as easy to install.

same goes with regular applications.

if you have normal system with normal, not 3rd world parts, hardware you'll have no problem finding drivers for linux. i have absolutly no problem finding drivers for every single hardware in my puter.

why don't you run something more up to date than redhat 5.1

Starman, i HIGHLY doubt that you are working on 2 unix books and still don't know how to install drivers :whistle:

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if you have normal system with normal, not 3rd world parts, hardware you'll have no problem finding drivers for linux.

You mean to say "eventually".

Starman, i HIGHLY doubt that you are working on 2 unix books and still don't know how to install drivers

It's hard to install drivers when they didn't exist yet.

Am I supposed to pull them out of my ass?

I write drivers for a living, buddy. Hardcore NT/Unix kernel level sh*t.


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Starman: First of all, if you knew anything about Linux you'd know that they're called MODULES not drivers. Talk to the manufacter about this, it's not linux's fault they won't create a module for it. ATi didn't have the best linux support but they have greatly improved in the last little while. You sound to me like one of those who think they are computer geniuses because they have a Radeon 9700 pro and know what ram is :rolleyes:

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I already use both pretty equally. I run Neverwinter Nights and ET on Redhat 9 regularly, and no, you don't have to compile the games. In fact, it was as easy as running an installer just like in windows. Now all they need to do is continue to tweak the interface and convince more developers from the major software companies to work on linux versions of their software and drivers and we will be in a good place.

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I can't believe I'm having an argument with a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD.

You're not even out of high school yet and you're telling me about Linux? Dude, let me give you a piece of advice: on the net it's very easy to see who knows their sh*t and who doesn't. You don't. You're a Linux apologist that obviously hasn't written one line of code short of printf("Hello, world\n");. Well let me tell you something - I worked for one of the first people that printed "Hello, world" in a book, before you were born.

I hate dealing with punks that think they know sh*t just because they watch Call For Help.

Deal with Fortune 100 companies like we do and then come talk to me about whether it's a driver or a module :rolleyes:. Try writing a Postscript interpreter FROM SCRATCH and then talk to me. Try writing a PCL5 and PCL6 driver FROM SCRATCH and then come talk to me. Then write "drivers" for Windows, Mac, and Linux and THEN tell me what I wrote.

Why can't you just acknowledge the fact that LINUX SUCKS? The development community can't fix Linux's bugs, but they'll bust their ass cloning the latest GUI. Golly gee whiz, they'll make sure that there's an iTunes lookalike :rolleyes:.

And yes, you call them drivers because that's what they do - drive hardware.

Proof? Check this out:


Listed there is "Linux". Gee, I don't see a "module" section.


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ATi just calls them drivers so they don't confuse n00bs like you ;) . Linux is a modular OS. Its basic design allows you to add and remove small pieces of code called modules. Modules and mainly used to control hardware. You know that what you said had no fact so you had to look at my profile for something to sling at me? I think you should worry more about a 14 year old knowing more than you. You keep trying to justify yourself by saying "I am writting 2 Unix books and can write a 'driver ' from scratch". No one who actually did those things won't need to prove himself to a 14 year old.

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The fact that you have a rather large Linux banner, plus the fact that you obviously never wrote anything in your life pretty much sums it up - you're a Linux apologist.

And if I'm a "noob", then tell me why my first app was published in 1984.


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Tux racer:huh:h: I'm usually too busy playing Unreal Tournament 2003, Americas Army, Neverwinter Nights, Quake 3, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, SimCity 3000, Medal of Honor, (soon to be released) Doom 3 and the countless thousands provided by WINE and WineX.

If your so n00bish that you **** your pants when you see a command line, stay on Windows, but do us all a favor and SHUT UP

btw, Tux Racers kicks as:whistle:e:

I could be completly wrong... but seeing as on Disc 3 of UT2K3, there is a LINUX version of the game... doesn't that mean you DON'T need WINE or WineX?

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I could be completly wrong... but seeing as on Disc 3 of UT2K3, there is a LINUX version of the game... doesn't that mean you DON'T need WINE or WineX?



Serious ownage right there. Good call, shrike.

Code_monkey obviously has the perfect nickname for himself :D.

So code_monkey - how many other LIES have you told?


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I think you misunderstood my comment. I ment those games AND the ones provided by winex.

Starman: Still no proof of these programs you've coded. Actually i'm a linux users who doesn't like it when people flame Linux with no proof

Edited by code_monkey
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nope, the Linux version of UT2k3 runs native on linux.

Starman: Still no proof of these programs you've coded. Actually i'm a linux users who doesn't like it when people flame Linux with no proof

nope, the Linux version of UT2k3 runs native on linux.

Uh, you just said you used WINE for UT2K3. You're a liar.

I'm usually too busy playing Unreal Tournament 2003, Americas Army, Neverwinter Nights, Quake 3, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, SimCity 3000, Medal of Honor, (soon to be released) Doom 3 and the countless thousands provided by WINE and WineX.

So why are you using WINE for UT2K3 if a native Linux version exists on Disc 3?

Answer: because you don't and you haven't.

As for your ATI driver issue, are you DENYING that Linux drivers came out months later? I'm warning you right now, I have the URL to prove it right here and I'll post it and make you look like a serious moron if you answer incorrectly.


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