PS3 Media Server / Universal Media Server Guide

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I have been having problems with Wifi/Server it works but for some reason the picture quality goes really bad at some points, I get alot of little squares on my plasma!

Your streaming then?

Side effects of streaming HD content. Rewind the video, and play the same scene again - Chances are it might not have any corruption second time.

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Forgive me if I'm completely missing something as I'm not a total noob! But has this solved the problem of having to transcode any 1080p files or not? I've got 2.05 and I'm trying to remux transformers 1080p and as far as I can see it's transcoding and it's been going for about 2.5 hours. Am I doing something wrong? As I said I've got a feeling it's transcoding at the moment rather than remuxing. We'll see. But I might have to give up soon as going to bed for work tomorrow and my rig is in my bedroom. Can't deal with the noise! It's pretty decent rig (Intel dual core 2.4GHz, 2 gig ram, rating of 5 last time i checked on vista ultimate 32 bit) so it shouldn't be too slow anyway.

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Forgive me if I'm completely missing something as I'm not a total noob! But has this solved the problem of having to transcode any 1080p files or not? I've got 2.05 and I'm trying to remux transformers 1080p and as far as I can see it's transcoding and it's been going for about 2.5 hours. Am I doing something wrong? As I said I've got a feeling it's transcoding at the moment rather than remuxing. We'll see. But I might have to give up soon as going to bed for work tomorrow and my rig is in my bedroom. Can't deal with the noise! It's pretty decent rig (Intel dual core 2.4GHz, 2 gig ram, rating of 5 last time i checked on vista ultimate 32 bit) so it shouldn't be too slow anyway.

It is transcoding. Remuxing takes like a few mins to 5/6/7 mins depending on file size.

Very few 1080p movies can be remuxed.

Good news though for future movies is more 1080p movies now are being ripped in profile 4.1 instead of 5.1 which means they remux fine.

We can always hope a software breakthrough will also improve 1080p compatibility, it's not out of the question.

99.9% of 720p movies remux though, so really that is the best way to go. Unless you have a 46-50" + TV, 720p should be fine.

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1080p movies take a couple of hours for me! but 720p movies are done in minutes! I have a 50inch so it makes a big difference!!!

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It is transcoding. Remuxing takes like a few mins to 5/6/7 mins depending on file size.

Very few 1080p movies can be remuxed.

Good news though for future movies is more 1080p movies now are being ripped in profile 4.1 instead of 5.1 which means they remux fine.

We can always hope a software breakthrough will also improve 1080p compatibility, it's not out of the question.

99.9% of 720p movies remux though, so really that is the best way to go. Unless you have a 46-50" + TV, 720p should be fine.

Ah I see I read that before but then I thought I read something about mkv2vob changing the profile to 4.1 on the fly or something. I think I misunderstood it. Thanks for clearing that up.

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Forgive me if the issue has been raised but are there any problems with streaming a 720p film to my PS3 via windows sharing? I'm just interested why you've not included it as one of the options to play the film via a PS3.

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Excellent guide. Thanks very much!

Please start work on the Remote Play bit as soon as you can? I just CANNOT get it working over the internet. Works fine through my home network though.

Looking forward to it :D

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Excellent guide. Thanks very much!

Please start work on the Remote Play bit as soon as you can? I just CANNOT get it working over the internet. Works fine through my home network though.

Looking forward to it :D

I am.

Just had a busy week/weekend. I'll have the new guide done by this weekend, maybe sooner - Over next few days.

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I am.

Just had a busy week/weekend. I'll have the new guide done by this weekend, maybe sooner - Over next few days.


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Forgive me if the issue has been raised but are there any problems with streaming a 720p film to my PS3 via windows sharing? I'm just interested why you've not included it as one of the options to play the film via a PS3.

Windows sharing (Windows Media Player 11) doesnt stream .vob files so it doesn't work.

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I'm trying to remux a file but it always transcodes instead, sometimes it says cannot parse mkv file! What am I doing wrong?

The program itself checks to see if the PS3 can handle the file, if not it transcodes.

What is the file though, a 720p movie? AC3/DTS audio?

If you're confident it should be remuxed, put never transcode on in the options.

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The program itself checks to see if the PS3 can handle the file, if not it transcodes.

What is the file though, a 720p movie? AC3/DTS audio?

If you're confident it should be remuxed, put never transcode on in the options.

I dunno what it is apart from a 720p movie, it was remuxed the first time fine. I tried to do it again with subtitles and from then on it transcodes :/

Edit: It has AC3 audio.

Edited by Lazy Tiger
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Okay, I have a load of VOB files but they are all bigger than 4GB. I cannot get TVersity to work and I really don't want to have to split my VOB files. How do I get >4GB files onto the PS3 hard drive? Are the any WMP plugins that allow you to stream/copy VOB files through the network? :wacko:

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What problem are you having with TVersity?

Have you made sure "media servers" is enabled on your PS3?

TVersity is the only way I've been able to copy 4GB+ files to my PS3 aside from using a DL disc, but that's expensive.

There are other file servers out there though, WMP might even be able to do it?

Unfortunately I've not used anything other than Tversity, but some others on here might have. I'll also have a look on the web for you in the meantime.

Still, explain what is wrong in TVeristy, I might be able to help you get it working.

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I use tversity also and have most of my files at 12gigs+ and they are work perfect... the only reason you would need them to be 4gigs is if you are going to use a external hd to stream your movies. Networking them wont be a problem at all! hope you get everything working.... my HD movies collection keeps growing by the minute! you rock Audioboxer!

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I use tversity also and have most of my files at 12gigs+ and they are work perfect... the only reason you would need them to be 4gigs is if you are going to use a external hd to stream your movies. Networking them wont be a problem at all! hope you get everything working.... my HD movies collection keeps growing by the minute! you rock Audioboxer!

Do you stream the 12gb files? Or copy them to your PS3 hard drive?

If you're streaming, you must be on a "wired" connection :p

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WIRED ofcourse wireless kills me on these files... only files i can do wireless is divx with no problem but 720p files lag sometimes!

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Another worthwhile updated! :)

With the ability to transcode to x264 it MIGHT mean 1080p files won't be 2x the size on completion - Can someone who has a 1080p movie test this for me?

Previously 1080p movies were transcoded to MPG which was why they were twice the size.

V2.1.0 5/Mar/2008

Added XviD and x264 transcoding options.

Fixed wrong center/right channel order in AAC conversion.

Fixed some subtitle letters in latin character set incorrectly rendered (French, Spanish, etc...).

Fixed incorrect rendering of Chinese and Arabic characters.

Fixed out of sync on files mixed with NTSC video and PAL audio (untested, someone send me a sample if it doesnt work).

Work around tsmuxer bug with comma in file or directory name (causes Muxing Failed error).

Various other small code changes I forgot.

I knew this update was coming, so I'll now update my guide :)

Edited by Audioboxer
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I have some 1080p files and since the new update files have been good! Files have not been twice the size! They staty at 14gigs or so. Same file size! So its all good! What does Xvid option for? Xvid files to vob?

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Sorry to go off topic guys but i cant get wmv files playing through tversity can anyone let me know how this is done ? i use mkv2vob and that works perfectly and allows me to stream my mkv's.

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If you are using WMV-HD you are out of luck buddy! they wont work trust me i've tried! PS3 doesn't really like WMV files for some reason it supports them but not alot! I would recomend just sticking with VOB files! Good luck buddy!

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