The Official Neowin NHL Playoff Thread

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Holy Crap I just turned on the game and its 2-2 already! That'll teach me to eat dinner before watching the game.

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Ok, New Goalies please, and i'm serious this time lol

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3 - 3, this really isn't that good of a game. :p I mean, 6 goals in a hockey game, 3 for each team? What about those good 2 - 1 games. :p

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i missed the game tonight because of a friends birthday...none of my friends like hockey :/ ...hopefully this thing will go 7...nothing better than a 7 game final

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new jersey knocked off Boston, Tampa Bay, and Ottawa...sure anaheims teams were a bit tougher, but new jersey has earned it just as much as the ducks...either way, go ducks!

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OMG!!111 AOL SuXOrs!!!111 LOL!11 WTF!?1!!?!? :blink:

heh heh sorry. Just thought I would get that out of the way before someone else says it. :D


so who are you pulling for keldyn? ;)

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Man, Anahiem better pull their heads out of their you know whats'. They're really playing horribly, especially after they did so well in the Western Conference.

Plus I need to win a bet so my bracket would be perfect if Anahiem wins. lol

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From Game 5 I'd have to say the Devils have rediscovered the way to get under 'Jiggy''s skin. ;)

Good job guys, avenge the Wings!

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From Game 5 I'd have to say the Devils have rediscovered the way to get under 'Jiggy''s skin. ;)

Good job guys, avenge the Wings!

Ah, so you're a Wings fan, too? Once a Wings fan, always a Wings fan :) Gotta love Detroit :)

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too bad youre not a montreal fan... you'd go on a murderous rampage. We like to give rookies who played one good game in the playoffs a 5million $ contract and have nothing to show for the next season *caugh cough* Jose Theodore

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