Neowin Community Minecraft Server

Message added by Brandon H,

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Currently Running Vanilla 1.19.3

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Yeah, the more I look into some of the smaller mods, the more I'm finding the documentation is lacking at best. Some seem to have no useful documentation at all.

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@Slugsie I've have an idea I'm going to test out. I'm just going to disable the FTB Utilities mod and try adding Sponge to the server to use its plugins for the home commands and such to see how that performs and see if it's easier to configure.

I remembered Sponge works for 1.12.2 which is what this modpack is on

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I found these two pages:


Between them I've tested some changes to the ability to set homes and teleport to them on my own local world and they seem to work: 10 10s 2s
ftbutilities.back.infinite: true
ftbutilities.back.cooldown: 10s
ftbutilities.back.warmup: 2s
ftbutilities.tpa.cooldown: 10s
ftbutilities.tpa.warmup: 2s


Maybe these changes can be implemented as ranks that can be assigned as bonuses for players who contribute towards the running costs for example?




power: 10 10 10s 2s
ftbutilities.back.infinite: true
ftbutilities.back.cooldown: 10s
ftbutilities.back.warmup: 2s
ftbutilities.tpa.cooldown: 10s
ftbutilities.tpa.warmup: 2s

command.ftbutilities.heal: true


and adjust [admin] to power: 100


Once the ranks are set you use /ranks add <player> <rank>


(Sorry if you you already know any/all of that, this is all new to me and I'm just figuring it out now)

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okay with the switch over to Sponge for plugins I also added WorldEdit back in so if anyone would like to make us a nice spawn area with it let me know and I can grant the permissions :)

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I can have a bash at creating a Spawn, but I've never used WorldEdit before.



Scratch that, just quickly looked at a couple of tutorials, I don't have time to be learning all that right now.

Edited by Slugsie
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6 minutes ago, Slugsie said:

I can have a bash at creating a Spawn, but I've never used WorldEdit before.



Scratch that, just quickly looked at a couple of tutorials, I don't have time to be learning all that right now.

haha yeah WorldEdit is a powerful tool but it's no easy task to learn

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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't played Minecraft before, but I've seen some videos that have made me think, "huh. Could be a laugh for a few minutes." But I'm taking a look at the website and I'm a bit lost. Should I get the Windows version, or the Java version? If I could play regardless of the OS I'm booted in to (Windows or Linux) that would be cool. It would be extra neat if I could also jump in to the same game from my Android phone, but that's really not necessary. I hardly game on my phone at all.

Is there a particular version that I would need to get to play on a server? Or does either version allow that?

I've seen some mods around in various videos. I probably wouldn't bother, certainly at the beginning, but is it possible to mod either version?


And perhaps the final set of questions for the moment: If I got this game, would you guys let me join the cool gang server to run around? Are there many people that play? Or have I missed the boat on the whole Minecraft thing?

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The Java version is what we play on the Neowin server, specifically the FTB mod pack. It's cross platform-ish, but only to Windows/Linux/MacOs. It's also a RAM hungry beast.


The server is typically quite quiet, although not always. Missed the boat? Not even close, MC is the most popular game ever made. It's got a long future ahead of it.



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Ok, I got the Java version and I think I've sorted out the Revelation modpack. My Minecraft username is Intrinsica, if someone would be kind enough to let me join?

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16 minutes ago, Nick H. said:

Ok, I got the Java version and I think I've sorted out the Revelation modpack. My Minecraft username is Intrinsica, if someone would be kind enough to let me join?

You should hopefully be added to the whitelist, try adding to to your multiplayer server list now and it should let you in :) 

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Well, I've tried. It takes a heck of a long time to just load the Minecraft screen (although that is down to the age of my laptop) and then when I try to log on to the Neowin server I get the following:




I'm assuming that there is a corruption on the mod install? I've tried restarting both the client and the computer and it keeps popping up, so I assume I'll need to uninstall and reinstall the modpack.

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FTB takes ages to load, it's just the way it is.


I just tried logging in, and I get a different error:




I think it's going to need a mod to log in and check the server, @Brandon H @Louisifer?


Looks like this might be a bug with FTB around new year...

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1 hour ago, Slugsie said:

Knock knock Admins

I've restarted the server but i have no idea what half the stuff does on the site so i'll leave it up to brandon if it needs updating :D 

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from the amount of backups i saw in the log i dont thinks its been doing any restarts recently 🤔 if its a mod that does it then maybe one of its dependants bugged out at new year

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone !


Sorry I isn't been on server for awhile but I've had the shitest year so far.


I was diagnosed with Covid on 15th Jan was fine then 2 weeks later was taken to hospital with Covid Pneumonia, apparently i had it so bad I nearly died :(

Was in 2 weeks and amongst all this crap my marriage has ended so I'm currently homeless, sleeping at friends etc


When I get settled hope to se you on server sometime and ill try to contribute again to the server to keep it going


Stay safe and hope to see you all soon!

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Sorry to hear Nuculi, glad your feeling better however. 



Are you guys actively playing on this new server? Are all the bugs worked out?  I was a little overwhelmed by the new mod. Is it still the same?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Guess who's Back 😛


Anyway quick question, I haven't been on the server for awhile because of my personal problems but have found the MOD pack to be abit overwhelming myself for some reason I'm not enjoying it, probably cause MODS get harder to use and understand, I don't know.  I am trying  lol


So when the new Minecraft Cave update comes out will we be switching to Vanilla, asking for my daughter as she doesn't like the modded Minecraft much and prefers vanilla.


See you on server soon and ill contribute soon as my moneys sorted out!

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The cave update got split up. new blocks and stuff that can fit into normal worlds will come in summer , the world changing stuff like deeper and taller worlds and changes that come with it will be somewhere in winter.


as for chunk loaders, if they aren't already then they should be set to only run when you are online, otherwise if you dont come on for a long time then your base would most likely be causing lag for no reason even though your storage filled up day one.


its modded so things like keep inventory are easily fixed with graves and enchants like soulbound and theres probably 10 different ways to TP around the world

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