[Official] Resident Evil 5

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The one thing that will annoy me is the lack of movement while shooting.

But after watching Episodes of The Resident Evil Retrospective. I just had to get this game for some reason.

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I'm going to do something which will upset certain people here...

EG was right on the money with their review. :(

Most likely... Edge gave it 7/10 also, but Edge hardly hand out anything above 7 to any game :laugh: They scored 50 cents new game 7/10 also :/

I've had a wee shot of the game, one thing I will say is we experienced horrible screen tearing when the 360 upscaled to 1080p. Had to tell it to run in 720p to fix things. Not on my TV, but it was a Samsung that plays everything else fine, so I wouldn't put the blame on the TV.

The demo cutscenes had terrible screen tearing on my 360 but I thought that might just be because it was a demo. Will be good to hear back from others. Obviously the game isn't native 1080p anyway, so it makes no difference running it in 720p, it was just annoying to have to turn off 1080p on the dash just to play RE5.

Edited by Audioboxer
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Xbox 360/retail game: 0 screen tearing on my 32" LCD at 1080p using HDMI

PS3/Demo: 0 screen tearing " "

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Xbox 360/retail game: 0 screen tearing on my 32" LCD at 1080p using HDMI

PS3/Demo: 0 screen tearing " "


Quite a lot of reports about it. Supposedly 360 version has vsync disabled...

This is what I mean


If not everyone gets it it must be some way Capcom developed the game that's not consistent across equipment.

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Quite a lot of reports about it. Supposedly 360 version has vsync disabled...

This is what I mean


If not everyone gets it it must be some way Konami developed the game that's not consistent across equipment.

the game downloaded an update the first time I loaded it :huh: I know they added co-op for mercenary mode, but may be they fixed VS?

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the game downloaded an update the first time I loaded it :huh: I know they added co-op for mercenary mode, but may be they fixed VS?

No idea it wasn't on my 360, and I can't even remember if it was installed to the hard drive or not - Think it might of been as it wasn't that noisy whilst playing. Unless the newer chipsets are really much quieter compared to mine (older).

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Anyone ordered from shopto.net? Not sure when the ship games, I guess what I am really asking is will I get the game before Friday?

If ordered today then yeah you should get it before friday from Shopto.

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Got 360 version today, just played chapters 1-1 and 1-2, started on Amatuer, as I havent played RE4 before, so just getting in to how the game works.

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It came for me this morning really looking forward to playing it.

PS3 version.

I think my copy will arrive tomorrow or Saturday. Have to play some co-op sometime. :)

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My copy arrived this morning which was nice.

I played 3 chapters then i started to feel really sick about 10am so had to call college that i will not be in. (not the game doing it, must have been something i ate i guess). I have only just manged to settle down and tried to get some sleep :( I hate being sick aswell.

So Yeah, I haven't had a good day at all. Hope everyone is enjoying the game. I would of been up for some co-op tonight with someone on here but i am not in the right frame of mind yet :(

Why do i get sick when i never wanted to?

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In Xbox 360 Version I only noticed really bad Screen Tearing in the Cutscenes, not really noticed when play.

As I've said on the boards run your 360 in 720p and it will be fine. I have absolutely no idea how Capcom technical control could let this pass, it's really bad tearing during cut scenes.

In-game it's not as noticeable, but if you turn quickly you'll see it at the top of the screen.

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My copy arrived this morning which was nice.

I played 3 chapters then i started to feel really sick about 10am so had to call college that i will not be in. (not the game doing it, must have been something i ate i guess). I have only just manged to settle down and tried to get some sleep :( I hate being sick aswell.

So Yeah, I haven't had a good day at all. Hope everyone is enjoying the game. I would of been up for some co-op tonight with someone on here but i am not in the right frame of mind yet :(

Why do i get sick when i never wanted to?

**** happens! I had diarrhea the whole week Halo 3 was launched :laugh: hope you get well ;)

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Oh yeah I'm coming down with something too guys, I may not be able to make it into work tomorrow. Oh man it's horrible.... Guess I'll just have to stay at home. And play RE5. Uuuughhhh soooo illll.

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Wow is all I can say. I never have really played anything in the series so call me a first timer if you must. A friend and myself played it to 3-3 and just love it. I don't know how I could play with just the computer. With a real person, there is a sense of urgency and knowing you can depend on them.

I love how you can actually upgrade the weapons. The demo had me worried because they were so weak, but I understand that whole business now. Been using some of the guides on gameFAQ's to help us find jewels and it has really paid off. Our pistols are almost all the way upgraded, my shotgun is almost fully upgraded, and my sniper has some good upgrades. Sadly though, the last mission we ended up finding a new (even better) shotgun which we will have to upgrade now.

We have been playing in 1080p on my TV and I guess I must be some kind of a retard because I don't notice this "tearing". Whatever, I guess because this game still looks gorgeous, seriously! Some of the cutscenes seem real until you see the people or the water actually ripple (cave scene).

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We have been playing in 1080p on my TV and I guess I must be some kind of a retard because I don't notice this "tearing". Whatever, I guess because this game still looks gorgeous, seriously! Some of the cutscenes seem real until you see the people or the water actually ripple (cave scene).

If it was affecting you badly, you'd notice it, trust me. Or at least next time you see a cutscene, tell me if you see anything like this


(notice the line across the top where the image isn't even).

It might be an issue with certain xbox scaling chips and RE5? Or even certain equipment like TV scalers/receievers that pass through HDMI. All I know is turning the 360 to 720p sorted it out for me, absolutely no tearing at all any more.

It's to do with vsync being turned off I believe, something that's confirmed for the 360 version. The PS3 version has vsync on, but it suffers from frame rate dips instead of tearing.

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Thanks Audioboxer, but I still can't remember seeing it off the top my head. We were too busy being dazzled by the graphics I guess. :p

We have ours here installed to hard drive and the load times on the 360 version are virtually non-existent. Why put up all that history for the load screens because by the time the screen comes up, it darkens and goes away in about a second.

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Uh oh, this seems a pretty crappy move... SarcasticGamer ain't too happy haha.

Newly announced Resident Evil 5 DLC is Bullsh!t


Capcom. I love Street Fighter IV. Resident Evil 4 is one of my all time favorite games. So, then, after I have defended you over and over with Resident Evil 5, are you now screwing me?

Why are you charging for multiplayer modes? More after the jump.

Resident Evil 5, which comes out tomorrow, has some DLC that was recently announced by Capcom. Specifically, they?re going to charge people 5 bucks to play a competitive online multiplayer ?mode? where only you and three other people will duel in deathmatch style game types for 400 MS points or $3.99 on PSN? Here?s the text from the press release, courtesy of Gamertag Radio:

Tired of working together with other players in Resident Evil? 5? Ready to show your co-op partner exactly what you think of their gaming abilities? Capcom is pleased to announce that a new multiplayer mode for the soon-to-be blockbuster, Resident Evil 5, will be released post-launch as paid digital content via Xbox LIVE and PlayStation Network. The new mode, called ?Versus,? adds a deadly twist to Resident Evil 5?s multiplayer, pitting players against each other in a contest of survival, a marked departure from the central co-operative nature of the game.

Versus allows up to four players to match wits in online battles across two very different game types. Slayer?s Rule is a point-based game that challenges players to kill Majinis. In Survivor?s Rule, players hunt the most dangerous game, each other! Players can begin the hunt as Chris, Sheva or other secret characters, and choose from either one-on-one or two-versus-two team matches for either of the two gameplay styles.

Versus will be available on Xbox LIVE and the PlayStation Network a few weeks after Resident Evil 5 is available. Versus will be available for 400 Microsoft Points on Xbox LIVE or $3.99 on the PlayStation Network. Versus mode requires the Resident Evil game software in order to be played. A broadband internet connection is required.


What the everloving **** is going on here? First off, why is it cheaper on the PS3? Second, why is Capcom releasing DLC that should be INCLUDED with the Gawddamn game? I mean, seriously, is it that big of a freaking deal to include FOUR PLAYER versus modes, which I?m sure are already on the disc, as a free unlock?

This nickel and dime bull shiz really ****es me off.

No, I will not pay for this, and you shouldn?t either. Now, please excuse me while I go download a new outfit for Cammy in SF IV. They?ve got a great deal online for new outfits for the zexy ladies of SF IV for only a couple o[update] me in!

[update] Joystiq confirmed that some dumbass PR person wrote the wrong price for the PSN DLC. It is really $4.99 and not $3.99. Nothing to see here? Move along?

Source: http://sarcasticgamer.com/wp/index.php/200...is-bullsht.html

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