NHL Hockey Playoff Thread

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While it is possible that the canucks win, I really expect the ducks to win, and unless the nucks up up their game I would much rather see the ducks go on. This may be a pretty good series to watch.

I don't really care about teh sharks/wings series. I am a bit bitter that the sharks beat nashville but in the end I havn't paid enough attention to either of these two teams last series'.

Sabres/Rangers, I predicted a rangers win, but it could go either way. Judging by the games I saw from NY/Buffalo series I think Rangers will win though, they just seem to be on a hot streak. I think this will be the best series to watch.

I think the senators will win this, but again it could go either way. Same deal though, I am probably wrong in this, but just from watching some of the games, the devils just don't seem to be as strong as they could be. They reminded me of the Canucks in the first round, without the goalie in top form they just won't do it. I predict the sens still.

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Pft, R-Flex. As I recall, your original prediction was Stars in 6, followed by 7 :p.

While you do a decent job of sugar coating your life-long hatred of our home team with some logic and proof, it's still riddled with bias :laugh:

Ps, could you hear the cars honking over at your place? We could hear'em loud'n'clear.

Woot! Go 'Nucks!!


Repeat after me: Anaheim in five, Anaheim in five. :D

I will dance when Anaheim wins, and the city of Vancouver, so full of hope because they think they actually have a good hockey team, crumbles under despair and then finally, the finger pointing begins over who was responsible. Nonis? Naslund? Hansen? Likely the Dane. But always, the Canucks will never win a Cup. NEVER. For that, I will enjoy myself for all time.

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Might as well throw out my predictions as well lol.

Conference Quarter Finals

Sharks going to take out the Wings

Ducks going to take out Canucks

Sabres going to take out Rangers

Sens going to take out Devils

Conf. Finals

Sabers vs. Sens

Ducks vs. Sharks


Sens vs. Sharks

Stanley Cup Champs


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Repeat after me: Anaheim in five, Anaheim in five. :D

I will dance when Anaheim wins, and the city of Vancouver, so full of hope because they think they actually have a good hockey team, crumbles under despair and then finally, the finger pointing begins over who was responsible. Nonis? Naslund? Hansen? Likely the Dane. But always, the Canucks will never win a Cup. NEVER. For that, I will enjoy myself for all time.

anaheim in five, anaheim in five... GO DUCKS GO!!!! they would do it in four if they was still mighty

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Imagine the intensity of hockey if Anaheim and San Jose (California teams) advance, and the Rangers and Devils advance (neighbouring cities)? That would be incredible hockey! That's who I'm going for.

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Pull a Calgary and send in a goon goalie!


Yea, I wasn't too surprised by last night's showing. It would be nice if we could at least win one or maybe two games, just so we don't get swept.


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Yea, I wasn't too surprised by last night's showing. It would be nice if we could at least win one or maybe two games, just so we don't get swept.


What, giving up so easily?

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Nucks will bounce back with a stronger outing. Ducks have way more depth but I just want the boys to compete as hard as they can. Hopefully we get Salo & Juice back for game 2 and I wonder if Cookie will make a appearance in the 2nd round hes desperately needed.

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luongo pulled against anaheim, geewillikers batman not again?!?!

The only reason he was pulled was to give him rest for the next game, the game was already over anyways.

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There's no denying it was a well earned win for the Nucks.

Let's hope they can play like that again here at home.


Couldn't have said it better myself, well deserved win.

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