Microsoft has released today the latest WinGet preview update. The new version of the Windows Package Manager, 1.5.441, brings updates to the PowerShell modules in order to improve the output of cmdlets, as well as experimental support for package pinning, among others. The full release notes are given below:
This is the second development build after the Windows Package Manager 1.4 build for Windows 10 (1809+) and Windows 11. This build will be released to Windows Insider Dev builds and Windows Package Manager Insiders.
Experimental features are enabled in this release. The experimental feature for package pinning is now supported and included in this release.
winget features
to see which experimental features are enabled or disabled.
Add the following to your settings (winget settings
) file to enable the experimental features including package pinning:"experimentalFeatures": { "pinning": true, "dependencies": true, "directMSI": true, "uninstallPreviousArgument": true, },
This release includes an early preview of our Microsoft.WinGet.Client PowerShell module. Improvements to the PowerShell module have been made in this release to enhance the output of the cmdlets. Information about getting started and usage can be found here.
- Pin a package #476 by @florelis
- Open log files or provide path as output #2355 by @Trenly
- Show which admin setting has been enabled/disabled in confirmation string #2846 by @Trenly
What's Changed
- Make --Open-Logs Stable by @Trenly in #2841
- Add --custom argument for passing additional installer arguments by @Trenly in #2832
- Add database for tracking pins and base implementation for pin commands by @florelis in #2769
- Show which admin setting has been enabled/disabled in confirmation string by @Trenly in #2846
- Refactor some code into shared library by @JohnMcPMS in #2844
- Add rest interface 1.4 to supported list by @yao-msft in #2853
- Block msix provisioning api calls where known OS bugs exist by @yao-msft in #2855
- Allow Version Listing through 'Winget Search' by @Trenly in #2847
- Refactor arg validation by @florelis in #2862
- Rename privacy.md to PRIVACY.md by @WilliamDavidHarrison in #2907
- fix: remove extra space by @WilliamDavidHarrison in #2904
- chore: remove blank line by @WilliamDavidHarrison in #2906
- feat: update pr template by @WilliamDavidHarrison in #2905
- feat(template): update title + desc for feature request by @WilliamDavidHarrison in #2915
- feat(template): update title + desc for docs report by @WilliamDavidHarrison in #2914
- feat(template): update title + desc for bug report by @WilliamDavidHarrison in #2913
- Remove use of Invoke-Expression in test script by @florelis in #2921
- Show Enabled Admin Settings in --info by @Trenly in #2901
- Update zlib library in Pure project by @ryfu-msft in #2923
- Fix GetFullNameFromFamilyName for non-elevated context by @yao-msft in #2922
- Allow multiple apps in a single command by @florelis in #2861
- Use C# wrapper objects for PowerShell cmdlet output by @ryfu-msft in #2871
- Fix behavior for user settings scope preference/requirement for portable install by @ryfu-msft in #2918
- Fix Summary telemetry event by @yao-msft in #2941
- Implement package pinning by @florelis in #2813
- Spec for package pinning by @yao-msft in #2611
- Fix spelling from pinning spec by @yao-msft in #2946
- Give admin access to temp folder by @yao-msft in #2945
- Down sampling telemetry events by @yao-msft in #2950
- Add support for elevation requirement in COM by @ryfu-msft in #2919
You can head over to GitHub to download the latest Windows Package Manager version 1.5.441 preview update.
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