NCAA Football Discussion

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You know, FL still has a chance

And, if OSU loses to Mich, does this mean that Mich and OSU are co-national champions?

Edited by briangw
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It's great to be a Florida Gator...

And yes, we still have a very good chance at getting a bid for the national championship! :D

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Thanks to that thumping of some random Div I-AA team? yeah.

Oh so just because of one team, one game, we don't deserve a chance at going to the National Championship game? Please...

I'm sure teams like USC and Michigan never play crappy ass teams either right? :rolleyes:

I guess none of our other 12 wins must count then... jeez

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Yeah, is thumping a I-AA team the same as beating a 5-7 Ball State at home by 8 points? Lets not be too hasty to gloss over Michigan's weak spots in the schedule.

Congrats to Florida... can't wait 'till next year in Tiger Stadium...

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Can you image Boise St. jumping to #2 in the BCS :rofl:

Of course that will not happen, but it would be a great thing so they can see how the BCS is a flaw. Of course, I give immense credit and respect to Boise St. who has played very efficient football the past 2 years.

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Yeah, and a weak MAC team should have been destroyed by Michigan in Ann Arbor, but they weren't.

Yeah, buts its not just the fact they were 1-AA, its the fact they were were an extremly ****ty 1-AA team. They had only one win against other 1-AA teams, and their other win was againts a 0-10 D-2 team. I dont think it can get any worse then that.

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Yeah, buts its not just the fact they were 1-AA, its the fact they were were an extremly ****ty 1-AA team. They had only one win against other 1-AA teams, and their other win was againts a 0-10 D-2 team. I dont think it can get any worse then that.

Then fine, don't even count the game, just say Florida played only 11 regular season games, then beat another top 10 team in the SEC championship game. Does that help?

Everyone wants to get hung up that Florida performed like they should have against a terrible team, but then forgets when Michigan gets by a terrible team by only 8 at home.

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Then fine, don't even count the game, just say Florida played only 11 regular season games, then beat another top 10 team in the SEC championship game. Does that help?

Everyone wants to get hung up that Florida performed like they should have against a terrible team, but then forgets when Michigan gets by a terrible team by only 8 at home.

Michigan emptied their bench against Ball State before half-time. Had they played their regulars for all four quarters, they probably would have blown them out.

Everyone and their brother knows that the two best teams in the nation are the Buckeyes and Wolverines. Makes you wonder if we'd all be having this debate about Florida and Michigan had the Wolverines never played the Buckeyes and lost to someone else.

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Unbelieveable...Florida's #2 in both polls now. Looks like we are gonna have them in the BCS.

Ohio State is simply going to crush them. So much for a good game.

Putting that one in my back pocket :)

Personally, I do not understand why you think UF being #2 is unbelievable. They have done nothing this season to NOT be deserving of that spot. And throw all the "win with style points" BS out of the window because I can remember a very "unstylish" OSU team a few years back winning the title.

Bottom line: the BCS sucks. Regardless of which side of the fence you are on, it's clear that this mockery of a system is ridiculous. Teams like Utah and Boise State have no shot whatsoever to make a national championship game - how they can say the BCS is good for college football is beyond me.

Having said that...Go Gators. And if they do make it in, I'm going for a 21-17 victory :)

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Unbelieveable...Florida's #2 in both polls now. Looks like we are gonna have them in the BCS.

Ohio State is simply going to crush them. So much for a good game.

Didn't most people say the same thing last year when USC was crowned the greatest team ever or when Miami played OSU.

Oh yeah go Gators. Win one for the SEC. :rofl:

LA Times has leaked the BCS games.

Title Game Florida vs OSU

Rose: USC vs. Michigan.

Sugar: Notre Dame vs. LSU.

Orange: Louisville vs. Wake Forest.

Fiesta: Oklahoma vs. Boise State.

Here's BSU chance to prove they even have an argument for playing for the MNC.

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Unbelieveable...Florida's #2 in both polls now. Looks like we are gonna have them in the BCS.

Ohio State is simply going to crush them. So much for a good game.

Did I call it or did I call it????

You should listen to a guy who's crazy enough to have a Brutus Buckeye avatar!!!! ;)

Go Bucks!!!!!

(What kind of car does Jim Tressel own?

A Lloyd Carr!)

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Michigan emptied their bench against Ball State before half-time. Had they played their regulars for all four quarters, they probably would have blown them out.

Everyone and their brother knows that the two best teams in the nation are the Buckeyes and Wolverines. Makes you wonder if we'd all be having this debate about Florida and Michigan had the Wolverines never layed the Buckeyes and lost to someone else.

Yeah and last time I checked, Florida played pretty much everyone on their bench as well. :rolleyes:

Anyway, GO GATORS!

Now where can I find tickets at a decent price since the Cardinal's stadium is just down the street from me (well, almost)! Ebay tickets are going for $2k! :cry: Anyone know where I can get BCS tickets at a fair price?

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Now where can I find tickets at a decent price since the Cardinal's stadium is just down the street from me (well, almost)! Ebay tickets are going for $2k! :cry: Anyone know where I can get BCS tickets at a fair price?

Well, your best bet at most schools is if you belong to whatever athletic foundation controls season tickets to the normal games. If you don't already have season tickets, or aren't a member of that foundation, its going to be a lot tougher. You could also might get some if you have friends/family who work (in a high position) for any of the big sponsors of that game. Lastly, if you have any friends who are legislators or in government in either Florida, Ohio, or Arizona, they probably have the right to buy a certain number of tickets (its usually not many though).

Anyway, Geaux Gators!!

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florida, prepared to get pwned. you've struggled with michigan in the recent past in bowls, and this osu team is on a completely different level. the pollsters know michigan is the #2 team, they just don't want a rematch. the pollsters had USC jump michigan last week, figuring that would take care of the problem. last week nobody outside of the state of florida thought florida was title game worthy. then all of a sudden, usc loses. bam, now florida's suddenly put ahead of michigan? why wasn't florida #2 last week?

if usc would have won, i can guarantee florida would stayed at #4 and michigan at #3. had florida lost, and the season was a week longer? lsu or louisville or somebody woulda jumped michigan. the polls are a scam, Urban Crier is a disgrace.

florida's only national title came in a REMATCH with FSU!

florida actually received 1 first place vote this week. FIRST PLACE! the human polls are a complete joke.

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Looks like the only interesting game is USC vs Michigan.

I laughed so hard at Boise St vs Wake Forest. I don't even consider this a BCS game

Its Boise St. vs. Oklahoma, genious :rolleyes:

Can someone tell me why teams like Boise St., Utah, Wake Forest, etc. always get looked down upon? I mean, what has Boise St. done this year to make people look at them and say they do not deserve a BCS bid? Is it because they went undefeated? Last time I checked, if you went undefeated no matter what conference in college football, it was a great accomplishment considering how hard it is to win week in and week out.

Then there was Utah who was also looked down upon because they were Utah.

I find it to be a disgrace how teams like Boise St. get no shot at the championship game. I mean, what is their incentive to win every game if they can't get their anyway?

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Its Boise St. vs. Oklahoma, genious :rolleyes:

Can someone tell me why teams like Boise St., Utah, Wake Forest, etc. always get looked down upon? I mean, what has Boise St. done this year to make people look at them and say they do not deserve a BCS bid? Is it because they went undefeated? Last time I checked, if you went undefeated no matter what conference in college football, it was a great accomplishment considering how hard it is to win week in and week out.

Then there was Utah who was also looked down upon because they were Utah.

I find it to be a disgrace how teams like Boise St. get no shot at the championship game. I mean, what is their incentive to win every game if they can't get their anyway?

For bosie state i think it has something to do with their 99th ranked strength of schedule.

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Regardless of their schedule, they went undefeated in a season. If the BCS did not add 1 more BCS bowl game this season, Boise St. would've been left out of the BCS games.

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