Universal Viewer (ATViewer) is an advanced file viewer with wide range of formats supported similar to Total Commander Lister, but it supports much more file formats than Lister (without plugins). Supported view modes and corresponding file formats are:
* Text/Binary/Hex/Unicode: all files (unlimited size)
* RTF: RTF/ UTF-8 encoded files
* Images: BMP/ JPG/ ICO/ GIF/ PNG/ WMF/ TGA/ TIFF/ PCX/ PSD/ etc
* Multimedia: all file types supported by MS Windows Media Player (AVI/ MPG/ WMV/ MP3/ etc)
* Internet/Office: all file types supported by MS Internet Explorer (HTML/ XML/ DOC/ XLS/ etc)
* Plugins: all formats supported by Total Commander Lister plugins.
The Viewer is fully Unicodecompatible and can be integrated intoWindows Explorer's context menu,so there is no problem to call it fromanywhere in Explorer: right-clickon a file and select "UniversalViewer" item. It can also be integratedinto file managers that canpass to Viewer filenames via thecommand-line: in this case filenameshould be passed as first optionalcommand parameter (don't forget todouble-quote name containing spaces).
What's new in version (26.03.2007)
- RegEx search option in Text/Binary/Hex/Unicode modes; to see help on RegEx syntax press Help button in search dialog
- Text modes: triple click selects current line
- Internet mode: by default all file types are accepted; if you don't like it, change the value of WebAcceptAllFiles hidden option to 0
- Fixed "Full screen" command's work on second monitor
- Option: "Show image transparency"
- Hidden option: TextMaxClipboardDataSizeMb Download: Universal Viewer freeware
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