The Glass Room, a pop-up store collaboration between Mozilla and Tactical Technology that explores the modern digital age through artwork and various displays, will be open in London from October 25 to November 12.
The collaboration had previously appeared in New York and was a massive success there, with more than 10,000 people visiting the pop-up and learning about ways to minimize their digital footprint. The Glass Room is partly an activist effort to try and help people realize the power that large firms like Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple have over them, how our personal data is a commodity traded in a way that many of us know very little about, and that this arguably gives companies the power to manipulate us towards their products.
The pop-up is filled with interactive displays that incorporate many of the digital goods we think we are very familiar with, but in this setting, they are geared towards telling us something about them that we might not know or find slightly disturbing. The Glass Room will also have guest speakers, address issues such as state surveillance and privacy, and offer a Data Detox Bar where, amongst other things, people will have the opportunity to see how exactly fake news is created on an actual news site.
The Glass Room will also be touring to other UK cities and offering a similar opportunity for people in Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, and Bristol to learn about how their data is used and what they can consider doing about it.
Source: Mozilla
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