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Apple to PC users - Share what's on your mind!

Thanks go to Slashdot for this eye up on Apple, who is asking for feedback specifically from PC users about why you might be considering a Mac purchase, or if you recently purchased a Mac for the first time, why you made the switch.

    If you're a PC user who's eyeing a Mac, we'd love to know what you're thinking.

    What sparked your interest and made you think about getting a Mac? Do you have questions or issues you need to resolve before you decide? If so, what would help you make up your mind to go for it? Also, do you have a specific time frame in mind for getting a Mac, like (say) within 1—3 months, 3—6 months, or 6-12 months?

    If you're a PC user who's recently bought a Mac, we'd love to hear from you.

    You know something we don't. We're Mac people, so we don't know what it feels like to go from using a PC to using a Mac. What's the best thing about using a Mac? What's it like, upgrading from a PC to a new iMac, iBook, Power Mac G4 or PowerBook G4? Was it hard or easy to make the transition, and was there anything so new and different that it took some getting used to?

    How long has it been since you became a Mac user? What made you get a Mac instead of a PC in the first place—what was the deciding factor? Did you have questions or reservations before you made up your mind to get a Mac? And—now that you have a Mac—are you pleased with your choice?

If you'd care to share your experience with Apple, the email address is apple@apple.com, and tell them all about it. Apple may want you to let them know if it's OK to contact you with a follow-up question or two.

News source: Apple - PC Users

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