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Microsoft set for Bioware swoop?

Microsoft is in the process of acquiring acclaimed Canadian developer BioWare, according to internal sources operating at the highest levels. Compelling evidence has been brought to our attention which suggests that the deal was almost certainly in place before last Christmas, and current chatter points to the acquisition being announced towards E3.

A highly placed inside source told us: "There was definitely a press release drafted by Microsoft for the deal before Christmas. It basically announced the fact that Microsoft had acquired BioWare - it was all ready to go."

The reason for the delay in announcing the deal is unclear and may indicate that there are further legal matters to be worked through or that the acquisition may have run into unspecified difficulties. Another possibility is that BioWare is currently working on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for LucasArts, and depending on what type of deal BioWare has with the publisher, this may have hold up the process.

Microsoft itself refused to shed any light on the situation, stating "This is a rumour and we don't comment on rumours," while a spokesperson for BioWare would only offer a terse "No comment."

The fact that a press release was already written internally at Microsoft last year, proves that it was thought to be a done deal at the time. But the current status of the situation is unclear. If the deal is still on, Microsoft is likely to make the announcement soon. We'll keep you fully updated on all developments in this matter. Meantime, feel the power of Microsoft's cash.

News source: Computer and Video Games

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