Crashes RSS

NEC Image Chips Stop Car Crashes

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Image detection processors have initially been deployed for facial recognition in security applications. NEC is among the first of the electronics manufacturers to apply image detection to the automotive industry for accident prevention. The first...

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Update crashes ZoneAlarm firewall

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A bug in a Zone Labs update caused the popular ZoneAlarm firewall to crash late Thursday for about 50,000 users of ZoneAlarm Pro and ZoneAlarm Security Suite products. "The majority of customers...

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Spyware authors and phishing fraudsters yanked an old scam out of the playbook Wednesday by directing malicious code at Internet users who may be prone to typing or spelling deficiencies, according to security researchers. Finnish...

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My good friend Kheldar pointed me to this article on the BBC, where CBBC Newsround Press Pack reporter, 15-year-old Sarah Laughton got to interview the man himself. Bill Gates, the world's richest man and...

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