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AMD Tech 2002 coverage and Water-cooling the GF4

Ah, what would a Saturday morning be without your daily dose of news from around the web. Here are 2 sent in by the respective sites webmasters that focus on AMD's tech 2002 and another one on how to water-cool your GF4(!)

AMD Tech Tour 2002 Coverage

Explosive Hardware has completed an article on "AMD Tech Tour 2002 Coverage".

"During the presentations every manufacturer that was there had a representative make a short presentation. Some of them were good while I must say others were very lacking and un-informative. AMD had the most informative presentations covering everything there is needed to know for a systems builder which is who the show was aimed toward. They talked about their system and how they don't judge a processor by it's megahertz rating for performance but by how many clock cycles per second it can do."

View: AMD Tech Tour 2002 Coverage @ Explosive Hardware

Liquid Cooling the Gainward Ultra 750XP Geforce 4 Powerpack

DeviantPC has posted an exclusive article on how to water-cool your GeForce 4. A Gentleman by the name of BladeRunner has teamed up with DeviantPC to give readers a step-by-step guide - starting with the backside ramblock.

Quote: The problem with soldering a large area of copper is it will tarnish with the heat preventing the solder taking to the area. To overcome this I used some paper towel with flux on, wiped a heated area as I went just prior to soldering as this cleans the copper surface so the solder flows easily. This however requires care to avoid burnt fingers and paper towel but works well. To tin & solder the parts I placed them on an old stone slab on top of the vice so there is no copper to metal contact that would absorb the heat, the stone gets warm at heat point but has a low thermal transfer rate.

View: Liquid Cooling the Gainward Ultra 750XP Geforce 4 Powerpack - Part 1 @ DeviantPC

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