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IconPackager 2.0

Thanks Brad for this one.. Stardock has released IconPackager 2.0. IconPackager is the standard way of changing all the icons on your system to a particular theme at once. Users do this by applying "packages" of icons to their system. Virtually every icon on your system can be changed in this way.

Version 2.0 is a complete rewrite from the first version. It makes it easier to organize icons and can now look inside EXE's, DLLs and ICL's for icons. It also comes with hundreds of high quality icons.

IconPackager is fast, easy to use, and fun. Users can download it at https://www.iconzone.com .

It costs $14.95 to register. The registered version allows users to change nearly any icon from its properties dialog and includes several exclusive sets of professional icon packages. IconPackager is part of Stardock's Object Desktop suite of desktop enhancements. Its home page is https://www.objectdesktop.com.

Stardock's home page is https://www.stardock.com

Download: IconPackager 2.0 (2.7mb)

Screenshot: One | Two | Three | Four

View: ObjectDesktop Website

News source: Stardock

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