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IE 7: Not Just for Windows XP SP 2

Internet Explorer 7.0, the next version of Microsoft's Web browser, won't just run on Windows XP with Service Pack 2, but will also be available for Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 and Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates announced Internet Explorer 7.0 at the RSA Conference in San Francisco two weeks ago. While scant on details, Gates said the browser would offer security enhancements to protect users against phishing scams and other online attacks. He also said IE 7 would be for users of Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2).

More details on IE 7 are trickling out as Microsoft works on the browser upgrade. Earlier this week, the IE team at Microsoft wrote on its Web log that the browser would be available for "Windows XP SP2 and later," which also includes the forthcoming Windows Server 2003 SP1 and Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, according to the Web log. Users, especially corporate users who have yet to upgrade to Windows XP, would also like to see a version of IE 7 for Windows 2000. Microsoft has heard those requests, but has nothing to announce at this time, according to the IE team Web log.

News source: PCWorld.com

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