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Kazaa 1.7.0 released / Kazaa loosing legal battle

Just spotted on Kazaa that 1.7.0 has been released. no word on what's changed etc...

Only info I can find are :-

    Twice the reach
  • Double your search results with a single click. KMD will repeat your search on a whole new set of peers, providing you with up to twice the results for each search. New in 1.7

    Visualise It

  • Media Player enhancements include visualisation in Theatre View, improved codec handling and more file formats supported.. New in 1.7
News source: Kazaa

Download: Kazaa 1.7.0

In a related note, there is a story over on CNet where it looks like KaZaA is running out of money and legal muscle to fend off the RIAA in their court battle etc...

A legal fight that has pitted file-swapping software companies Kazaa BV and StreamCast Networks against big record labels and movie studios is collapsing as the small companies run out of funds.

Netherlands-based Kazaa BV, which created the file-swapping technology underlying Kazaa, Grokster and earlier versions of Morpheus, is conceding defeat--although its founders already appear to have started another near-identical company. Meanwhile, StreamCast is losing a high-powered attorney with a winning track record against the music companies in court.

News source: CNet - Kazaa, Morpheus legal case collapsing

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