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Kazaa wins...

Thanks G and j!

It would appear that the dutch courts have decided to be amicable to Kazaa after it lost with the first ruling. An appeal court has over - thrown this decision, and has ruled favorably.

After first ruling against Kazaa, an appeals court in the Netherlands has ruled in favor of the peer-to-peer file swapping service. Kazaa may now legally distribute their peer-to-peer software in the Netherlands. As well, Kazaa is not liable for any user's abuse of the Kazaa software.

Kazaa was sold to an Australian company shortly after the previous ruling. Opponents of Kazaa have the right to appeal the newest ruling to a higher court in the Netherlands. The appeals judge made reference to a 1984 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that protected VCR manufacturers from being liable for consumers that use VCRs to copy movies. Kazaa's attorney mentioned that the ruling affects manufacturers of digital recording devices such as DVD-writable and TV recorders.

News source: Reuters

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