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Maxreboot to close -it's official

Thanks to all the people that have pointed me in the general direction of the following statement Redmak being the first, cheers man. It seems yet another sad day in the realm of Tech community sites is upon us. Just when you thought there were some real quality sites bumping around at last.. one of them goes and closes =o(

We at Neowin want to take this opportunity to wish Maab all the best and hope he is able to sort out his life to satisfaction. A bit from Maab's statement follows:

    Well, I sent out a communique to the MR staff a little while ago and they should all be aware of this by now. I've decided to basically shutdown MaxReboot. Not because we are having money issues or legal issues. But because I'm having severe personal issues happening in my life. I've basically outgrown MaxReboot and it has become just too much for me to handle. My personal life with my fiance has turned very sour, due in large of the amount of time I need to spend on MR every day and I need to fix this asap. I also need to concentrate my efforts on schooling. I need to finish my computer engineering degree.
Maab goes on to say that the domain will be transferred to
EnvyNews.com so we may see more of them in the coming weeks. See ya MR, it was fun while it lasted.

View: MaxReboot full statement

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