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'Zero conflict' in BT over broadband

The head of BT Retail, Pierre Danon, today dismissed reports that the introduction of a "no frills" broadband service would lead to internal conflict within BT.

A newspaper report at the weekend claimed that BT faced "civil war" because the introduction of the access-only product, BT Broadband, was in conflict with the telco's mass-market ISP BTopenworld.

The report even suggested that BTo would have to rethink its strategy and even think the unthinkable and consider ditching consumer-focused broadband services.

However, speaking to The Register Mr Danon said: "There is zero conflict. We shall push both options [BT Broadband and a full ISP service from BTopenworld] and give a choice to customers."

News source: The Register - 'Zero conflict' in BT over broadband

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