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Geforce 3 Ti 500 Preview

Thanks to The C-A-D for this tidbit. The Freakin' Tweakin' Source wrote up a preview of

the Geforce 3 Titanium 500. You could easily call this card the Ultra of the GF3 series, beefed up performance with few features added. Current owners of Geforce 3's will be dissapointed, but those with dated cards will be happy to know the Ti 500 has an up to 50% performance increase of the original Geforce 3.

  • Estimated Retail Price: $349 *

  • 240 MHz core clock ** (vs. 200 MHz of GeForce3)

  • 500 MHz memory (250 MHz DDR. vs 233 MHz DDR of the GeForce3)

  • 350 MHz RAMDAC***

  • 4 pixels/clock / 960M pixels/sec fill rate

  • Enhanced .15 micron(µ) Process

  • 57 million transistors (GF3: 57 million; GF2: 25 million)

  • 960 billion operations/sec (vs. 800 of GeForce3)

Plus good news for WinXP fans

In addition to these new features, Nvidia made it high priority to optimize the GF3/Ti500 for Windows XP. Nvidia has an excellent relationship with Microsoft that has resulted from the X-Box deal, and consequently they have a handful of developers (I think the number is 11) that work with Microsoft full time to develop and optimize drivers for Windows XP.

View: Preview of the Geforce 3 Titanium 500

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