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Special IE for Windows 2003

Thanks Bink for this!

I remember Novell admins complaining on NT what the hell is Windows Media player doing on the file server, what the hell is a browser doing on mail Server. Well in Windows2003 sound is disabled by default and now IE is locked down! Codenamed the IE HardeningPack, IE is not able to download or install active X controls. "Inside Microsoft, the mantra for this product is, 'It's a server, not a surfboard.' IE should be locked down like everything else." WOW that is a change, but why is media player installed by deafault? It is a server not a jukebox. Well probably because like you can use the locked down browser the read documentation online or on CD that same may count for Media player to watch presentations, hmmm I'd rather do that sitting behind my desk.

The IE hardening pack was 1st seen in the leaked build of Windows .NET Server 2003 build 3742. see links below for more info.

The final name is IE Enhanced Security Configuration

Via Windows Components you can enable or disable the lockdown for users and or admins.

Screenshots: Component | Sub Component | Hardening Info | Softening Info

Source: BinkXP

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