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GTA 3 Review

Our friends at Voodoo Extreme have writen up a very good review of the upcoming Grand Theft Auto. Here's a snip:

"In GTA3 you play the role of an escaped convict who tries to climb to the top of a major crime family in the lovely metropolis known as Liberty City. You do this by taking on a variety of menial task (at first) which progresses into some heavy criminal activities including extortion, prostitution, collections, car bombings, car-jackings, turf wars and good old fashioned murder.

Grand Theft Auto 3 is all about crime and punishment. Punishment (or what they like to call justice in Liberty City) is dealt out quickly and painfully. Likewise there is a liberal amount of crime to keep the player coming back from the grave again and again to see how far they can push the envelope before the cops pop a cap in their ass. Each job is divided up amongst a cast of crime organizations ranging from the oriental Triad & Hispanic Diablo gangs to several of the made-men of a major crime family."

View: The Review

News source: Voodoo Extreme

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