It has been a couple years since Amazon stocked rival streaming devices from Apple and Google but it has apparently lifted the ban on the products as listings for several products are now on the retailer's website.
An Amazon spokesperson speaking with CNET stated that "I can confirm that we are assorting Apple TV and Chromecast", unfortunately, there wasn't much said beyond this statement. While it is unclear why Amazon had a sudden change of heart, some might believe that the current change was brought upon by certain actions of its competition. Recently, the Amazon Prime Video app made its debut on the Apple TV and Google pulled YouTube support for Amazon's Fire TV and Echo Show.
In the case of Apple, it seems like a "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" kind of scenario but with Google, it seems to be extending an olive branch towards the company in an effort to call a truce. With respect to the situation, a Google spokesperson stated, "We are in productive discussions with Amazon to reach an agreement for the benefit of our mutual customers, we hope we can reach an agreement to resolve these issues soon." Apple did not respond to CNET's request for comment.
Hopefully, this is the start of something positive, as it is the customers that really lose when things like this occur. For now, shoppers will have to be patient, as the Apple TV and Google Chromecast are only shown as listings with the stock currently being unavailable.
Source: CNET
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