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Cell phone games take leap into 3D

Face it playing games on a cell phone hasn't always been that fun. You're stuck with cheesy graphics and the controls are usually really bad. Now some cell phones will offer 3D graphics. A company called Khronos Group an industry that works on the 3D standard for cell phones. Already Nvidia has created a lot of the 3D units for cell phones.

As game devices, cell phones leave something to be desired. Most of the games found on them are rudimentary, with flat, cartoonish graphics and simple scenes.

But that is going to change. Soon cell phone owners will be able to play games with realistic three-dimensional graphics rivaling those on PCs and game consoles. Companies are working to introduce more sophisticated games to mobile handsets, which will have powerful graphics chips to make the realistic images possible.

The switch from stubby cartoon figures to graceful golfers and lifelike superheroes is likely to be swift, said Neil Trevett, the president of the Khronos Group, an industry association that works on 3D standards for cell phones. "The same thing that happened in the mid-'90s to bring 3D graphics to PCs is happening now with cell phones," he said, "only it's all happening about three or four times faster. We call it cell phone time."

News source: C|Net News.com

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