Google has now made its premium AI-powered speaker, the Google Home Max, available for purchase from $399. The device was announced in October alongside the Google Home Mini but is only now becoming available while the Home Mini has been out for a while. The Google Home Max, while much more expensive than the Mini, delivers premium, high-quality audio.
The Google Home Max boasts premium audio due to a feature called Smart Sound, Google says:
“Google Home Max sounds pretty amazing right out of the box because it’s our first speaker with Smart Sound. Powered by Google’s artificial intelligence (AI), Smart Sound means Max can automatically adapt itself based on where it’s placed in the room. There’s no extra setup or testing required. Even if you move Max from one spot to another, it’ll continuously tune itself to the room, so your music will sound one step closer to the studio.”
Aside from the Google Store which is retailing the device at $399, it’s also possible to pick the Home Max up from Best Buy, Verizon, and Walmart - obviously in other countries it’ll be available at other third-party stores such as PC World in the UK. The device is available in two colours: Chalk and Charcoal. If you’re in the US and want the device by Christmas you’ll have to place your order by Wednesday.
Are you planning to augment your home network by buying one of Google's smart speakers or are you thinking about jumping into a different ecosystem? Let us know in the comments.
Source: Google
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