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Prescott Support on i875P/i865PE Motherboards a Total Mess

Thanks xStaindx...There is a total mess with Prescott support by existing mainboards based on i865PE and i875P chipsets that are meant to be "Ensured '03 Platforms Are Prescott Ready". Intel does not want to comment on certain claims about Prescott support and also does not want anybody else to comment.

An official from a well-known mainboard maker told us that mainboards from this company based on the latest Canterwood and Springdale chipsets will support Prescott processors easily unless Intel changes pin layout of the Prescott CPUs compared to the Pentium 4 CPUs. In fact, the person was sure that majority of mainboards found on the market are Prescott-ready in case the difference between Prescott and Pentium 4 lies in power and voltage standards.

That seemed to be a good news not only for those, who own mainboards from this maker, but also for end-users, who had purchased quality and expensive "Ensure '03 Platforms Are Prescott Ready" mainboards from other manufacturers who produce devices with some headroom for expansion and tweaking. But when we contacted this person and asked what he thought about a news-story with such claim to be posted on X-bit labs, he told us he needed to consult with Intel. Today he said we better not post anything on Prescott support by some very popular mainboards.

...read more for the rest.

News source: Xbit Labs

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