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Friday: April 9, 2004 [9am Pacific/4pm GMT]

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Longhorn - The Future of Microsoft Windows

You've heard about some big changes on the way in Microsoft's next Windows release due out around 2005. How will they affect you and can you start planning now? Should you wait for the new releases or deploy existing OS's?

Monday: April 12, 2004 [10:30am Pacific/5:30pm GMT]

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Windows XP Tablet PC Edition

Join the Tablet PC product team the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 3:00pm Pacific time. Windows XP Tablet PC Edition paves the way for the most versatile computing experience ever. The mobility of Tablet PC is combined with ink and speech tools to let you take your PC too many more places and use it in many new ways. You bring the questions, we will supply the experts.

Tuesday: April 13, 2004 [3pm Pacific/10pm GMT]

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News source: Microsoft Expert Communities

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