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Windows 2000 SP3 RC build 3.140

Thanks Anonymous who also emailed me what I already know is on BetaPlace.. Microsoft have got their thumbs out from wherever they were and released what they are calling Pre RC SP3 for Windows 2000. This would indicate at least a Release Candidate before release is expected in early summer (June we thought, but hey!)

It simply says: NEWS May 28th, 2002: We are pleased to release the SP3 Release Candidate (RC)

Files available are across the board including the intergrated slipstreamed builds.. we dont have links and cant host them because well they are over 100mb LOL..

    Typical sizes and times for the SP3 RC Express installation:

    Windows 2000 Professional: 17MB | 43 minutes @ 56K | 2 minutes @ T1

    Windows 2000 Server: 30MB | 75 minutes @ 56K | 3 minutes @ T1

    Typical download times for the SP3 RC Network installation:

    All Platforms: 130MB | 5.4 hours @ 56K | 11.2 minutes @ T1

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