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Windows XP: Six Months Later

Thanks Nemo for the heads up in BPN on our forums for this article he saw on C|Net. Yep I said C|Net and C|Net doing something on Microsoft, well you should know the outcome. (for the un-informed: These are the same people that implied Netscape 6.0 was better than IE 6.0 when they were just released.) C|Net takes a look at Microsofts most significant release to date. Note for personal reference that nobody called it a gamble? well, thats because going the from 9x kernel (for the home user) to the NT kernel made XP what it is in my view (a clear winner) but thats me.

Snip from the article: Is Windows XP meeting your expectations or causing more exasperation than you bargained for?

Microsoft's latest operating system just turned six months old, and most would say that it's neither a failure nor a raging success. While XP promised the latest and greatest multimedia, security, and ease-of-use features available, many users have not yet upgraded, fearing the hefty system requirements and potential compatibility disasters inherent in a major OS upgrade.

At the end of the day, some 17 million of us chose the XP route. Did we really get what we paid (quite a lot) for? Is XP really more stable and more secure? Does it support all of our hardware and software? Does it really have cool, new features we can't live without? In honor of its half anniversary, we checked in on XP to see what major issues linger, if any, and what features you might be missing.

View the article for more information. The artice includes "The system requirements swamp", "Oh, driver, my driver", "Service pack, anyone?", "The help you need", "Programs to watch out for", and "The bugs crawl in".

View: C|Net Article "Windows XP: Six Months Later"

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