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Official Halo 2 guide announced

We don't normally bother reporting on gaming strategy guides; they're just there lurking in the background, so we tend to pass over commenting on them - but given that Halo 2's official guide is something of an epic 224 page trawl through everything you could possibly want to know about the Xbox's most-wanted game, we thought we'd flag Piggyback's guide up for once.

Released to co-incide with the game's launch, the guide purports to be an "encyclopaedia of Halo 2's multiplayer component, a full, highly accessible walkthrough for the epic Campaign mode and everything on basic play." Written and researched over a four month period (who gets these jobs for gawd's sake? And do they pay well?) it features "detailed annotated maps covering single player and multiplayer modes as well as an exhaustive rundown on preset and custom game types."

View: Official Halo 2 Guide

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