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CERT logs 60 per cent leap in software bug reports

International network security watchdog CERT today released statistics showing it has handled more than 34,700 reports of vulnerable software in the first three quarters of this year.

The 34,754 incidents reported to the United Statesbased CERT Coordination Centre up until the end of September this year compares to 21,756 incidents reported for the whole of calendar 2000, a summary released today reveals.

The almost 60 per cent increase in incidents reported compares to 1820 vulnerabilities reported in the first three quarters of this year, compared to 1090 reported last year.

Threats to network security have seen CERT publish 29 security alerts so far this year, compared to 26 for the whole of last year.

The number of security notes published by CERT have leapt from 57 last year to 260 up until September 30 this year.

News source: I.T Daily

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