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Deskmod interview

One fine day in August John Smith of Deskmod contacted me and asked if I would do an interview for the readership of Deskmod.com. Naturally I agreed and off we went, via MSN Messenger. What makes this interview unique in some sense is that I had little time to think of a response, what with it being "live" via IM client. Brad (of Stardock) got off the hook lightly with our emailed in response to questions when we interviewed him. Heres a snip:

    8. Many sites have had to turn to memberships, donations, and even closing due to increased costs associated with high traffic. How have you managed to avoid these problems?

    We were lucky enough to be selected for sponsorship by our host, they foot the bill in return for our banner space that current only advertises their hosting. In defence of donations and membership fees, these sites also usually offer email accounts or file space or a bonus extra, Neowin does not do any of this. We couldn't rule other services out at this point because it has been asked but at present we opt for safe. Site and not much more that can be "taken away" later.

Entire interview included in read more.

View: Neowin Interview (scroll to the bottom of the page to read)

News source: Deskmod

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