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Endangered console list: Xbox, GameCube?

"Yes, I got it!" he hollered at his PC. "It's mine."

Legions of video game enthusiasts are logging on at Web stores all over the Internet, hoping to snag an advance order of one of the hot new game consoles debuting next month. Nintendo's GameCube goes on sale in the US on November 18, three days after Microsoft's Xbox.

Bartlett was among the lucky few to put a GameCube in his virtual cart at a presale earlier this month at Toysrus.com. All he needed to ensure that he would be shipped a console once it was available was to press one last button.

He clicked and...nothing. The GameCube had vanished from his cart. In less than four minutes, the site had sold out and Bartlett--who had already unsuccessfully tried preordering with EBgames.com, GameStop, CDUniverse and Best Buy--had lost his machine to a quicker finger. Now he's searching other Web stores and looking to try his luck again at Toysrus.com's next presale, on November 12.

News source: ZDnet Australia

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