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Fils-Aime: Zelda now coming in "fall"

In the latest edition of SpikeTV's new Game Head Program, they interviewed
Nintendo of America Executive Vice President Reggie Fils-Aime. After an
introductory segment which showed Keighley and Fils-Aime being serenaded by a
troubadour in Mario drag while racing Mario Kart-esque go-karts, the pair got
down to business. Keighley asked Fils-Aime directly, what is going on with
Twilight Princess. Without missing a beat, the outspoken executive confirmed
that the game was missing its current Q2 2006 window.

"It's coming out in the fall, it's coming out on GameCube," said
"There's been a lot of speculation. People have been saying
that we're holding it back or that it's gonna be launched just on Revolution.
Tell your people 'Not true,' it's gonna be out on GameCube, it's gonna be out
in the fall."

Keighley asked Fils-Aime if Twilight Princess would have special features
which could be accessed only when it was played on the backwards-compatible Revolution.
When Keighley asked if the Revolution's motion-sensing controller could be used
to control link's sword in the game, Fils-Aime demurred. "It's a great
idea," he said
"You should talk to [Zelda creator Shigeru]
Miyamoto about it. But right now the focus is on GameCube."

News source: GameSpot

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