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Intel McKinley details leaked

Details of presentation by Intel to be made on February 4th are already available on its Web site, despite a notice on a presentation that says it's under embargo until the 4th February.

In the presentation, Intel reveals details of its next generation McKinley 64-bit processor, which as we noted in a report on the Solid State Conference the other day, will use low latency level three cache design.

It will also use next generation non volatile memory.

And Intel claims McKinleys in the future will run at .13 micron and at 5GHz at normal room temperature, because of the low power circuits it will use.

The paper also shows details of its Ovonics based memory array architecture, which helps it create big caches in future generations of its 64-bit chips.

There's also a picture of McKinley which Intel says is due for release in the middle of 2002, and which started sampling during this month. Intel claims it will deliver between 1.5 to 2 times performance over existing Itanics.

As we have suggested earlier, McKinley will have a 3MB level three cache, with 64GB/s bandwidth for Level 2 cache - Intel will claim that's four times greater than proprietary designs. McKinley cache is 85 per cent efficient, Intel will claim.

The Inquirer found the PDFs freely available on Intel's site - with the links on the Sandpile forum, here. The second PDF with the die and the cache details is a big one - over 2MB.

View: Intel McKinley (the inquirer)

View: Intel McKinley (the inquirer)

News source: The Inquirer - Intel McKinley details leak

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