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Interview: World of Warcraft

No massively multiplayer game has garnered the success of Sony's EverQuest, but if anyone can steal the crown, it's Blizzard. Producing hit after hit, the company's last major title, Warcraft 3, shipped four million units worldwide on pre-orders alone. We cornered Mark Kern, team lead for World of Warcraft, to fill us in on the latest developments.

Games Domain: Hi Mark -- please give us a little background on what you do and what you've worked on in the past.

Mark Kern: I basically facilitate the development of the game by helping set goals and priorities, while at the same time, serving as a bridge between the development team and all the other departments that must work together to launch this game. In the past, I've worked on a number of Blizzard games, such as Diablo II and StarCraft. Diablo II probably prepared me the best for World of Warcraft, since it was our first game that required a game server. We learned a lot from the issues that we had to solve on Diablo II.

News source: Yahoo! Games Domain

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