Developer Rare has confirmed that its previously announced Safe Seas update for Sea of Thieves, which will offer access to private servers for players, will be added to the game on Dec. 7.,
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Developer Rare is launching the new Skull of Siren Song world event for its pirate-themed action game Sea of Thieves. It pits multiple pirate crews against each other to find a prize.
Pirate crews in Sea of Thieves can now form guilds to progress through a new type of reputation system. Season 10's private servers feature is coming as part of a mid-season update soon.
Developer Rare revealed some new info on its pirate-themed game Sea of Thieves this week. The upcoming Season 10 will introduce player guilds along with a new private game session called Safer Seas.
Rare stated that the unnamed headline feature for Sea of Thieves Season 10 was proving "tougher than anticipated to pull together" so it has pushed back its launch for a few months.