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Triplex 'Millennium Silver' GF4 Ti4200 Review

Tweakers Australia has just posted a review of the Triplex Millennium Silver GeForce4 Ti4200 graphics card. Here's a snip:

"The core itself is clocked at 250MHz, and the card sports 128MB of Samsung DDR memory rated at 4ns and clocked at 500MHz. 4ns rated memory can only officially supports speeds of up to 500MHz, which will usually result in average overclocking potential compared with the 2.8ns DDR memory used on Ti4600 cards that leave around 60MHz of headway. If your thinking that the extra memory cooling provided by Triplex is going to help perform miracles, think again, because it is a fact that DDR memory simply doesn't run hot enough for additional cooling to become effective".

View: Triplex GeForce4 Ti4200 Review

Pic: Triplex GeForce4 Ti4200

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