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2 Hardware Reviews for you!

Thanks to the respective sites that sent these 2 gems in for your viewing pleasure, its that SiS card again and Intel's latest P4ht 3Gig CPU.

Intel Pentium 4 3.06GHz Review

Tweakers Australia has just posted our somewhat 'late' review of the 3.06GHz Pentium 4 CPU from Intel, with Hyper-Threading technology. Here's a snip:

Not long ago we saw the release of the previous speed king, the Pentium 4 2.8GHz, until earlier this week when Intel officially made history as they surpassed the 3GHz mark with the debut of their 3.06GHz Pentium 4 with Hyper-Threading technology. While the battle was on between AMD and Intel for the fastest processors, but it didn't take long for the average consumer to realize that MHz isn't everything. Intel certainly thinks so, but AMD has proven that they can still put up a good fight with their slower-clocked XP2700+ and XP2800+ processors - up until now.

View: Intel Pentium 4 3.06GHz Review

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SiS Xabre 600 Graphics Card Review

Hexus.net are very pleased to announce the release of our SiS Xabre 600 Graphics Card Review. Here is an excerpt from the review:

As long as the issue I happened upon with drivers and the price point is hit the Xabre 600 will be worthy opposition for the likes of Nvidia MX440 and Radeon 9000.

View: SiS Xabre 600 Graphics Card Review

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