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Full San Andreas soundtrack details

From house to funk to country to gangsta rap, the next Grand Theft Auto's radio selection is the series' biggest yet.

One of the most fun aspects of the Grand Theft Auto games is the selection of radio stations. Besides passing time as you drive from one heinous crime to the next, they provide entertainment and atmosphere. This was definitely true in Vice City, whose Scarface-era aura was heightened by a constant stream of early '80s hits.

Since Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is set in 1992, its radio stations are also reflective of that era--or some are, anyway. The selection of musical genres this time around is more varied than in past games. As before, there's a talk radio station (WCTR), a rock station (K-DST "The Dust"), and an R&B station. (CSR). However, this time around there are two hip-hop stations--gangsta rap station Radio Los Santos and Playback FM, which features classic hip-hop (and whose DJ is voiced by Chuck D). Reggae is also back in the form of K-JAH West, presumably the sister station to Grand Theft Auto III's K-JAH.

News source: GameSpot

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