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Intel chip boosts notebooks over 2GHz

Intel will once again increase the performance of notebooks when it releases a new 2.2GHz Pentium 4-M chip on Monday, according to sources familiar with its plans. The new Pentium 4-M, with "M" as in mobile, will boast an extra 200MHz in clock speed and will cost more, but will otherwise be the same as the current 2GHz Pentium 4-M.

A number of brand-name computer makers are expected to add the new chip to their flagship notebook models, which typically start at $2,000.

The new chip may only boost the Pentium 4-M by 200MHz, but for Intel and also for PC makers, it pays to keep notebook technology moving ahead. That's because the market for notebooks has remained relatively strong and because portables sell with a higher price tag than PCs typically do. To keep notebook and chips sales rolling, Intel even moved up the launch for its 2GHz Pentium 4-M to June, which pulled the 2.2GHz chip's introduction forward as well.

News source: ZDNet

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