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Intel To Debut Pentium 4 'Northwood' Chips

Intel's Northwood Pentium 4 microprocessors, scheduled to debut next Monday, represent new manufacturing techniques that will let the chip reach its full potential in speed and performance, according to analysts. They also meet, and break, the 2 GHz speed mark.

The new, smaller-sized chips will allow Intel to save on production costs and permit the Santa Clara, California-based chipmaker to brandish price as a weapon against rival Advanced Micro Devices, which is answering with its own improved manufacturing, performance and speed.

"I think that looking at any particular speed bump, it's not significant compared to its predecessor," IDC senior analyst Shane Rau told NewsFactor. "Adding 200 MHz in the context of the entire PC will not result in noticeable performance improvement."

"However, the chip is significant in that it's the sign of much better things to come," Rau said.

News source: NewsFactor - Intel To Debut Pentium 4 'Northwood' Chips

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