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Macromedia announces Spring Innovation Program

Supports and recognizes customers and their inventive use of Macromedia technology

Macromedia, Inc. today announced the Spring 2003 Macromedia Innovation Program, which supports, encourages, and recognizes the creators of innovative websites and applications built with Macromedia products. Winners across multiple categories are given software, grants, prizes, free training, and the opportunity to be showcased on macromedia.com.

"Macromedia has a history of encouraging customer innovation in the education and e-learning markets," said Penny Wilson, senior vice president of solutions, Macromedia. "Our customers develop some of the most inspired content and applications that uniquely balance technology with their expertise, and it is always amazing to see what they create."

Submissions will be accepted across five different categories. The eLearning Innovation Award honors original, high-quality, e-learning content. The K-12 Education Innovation Award encourages and recognizes creative implementation of Macromedia technology in the classroom, while the K-12 Education Innovation Grant helps support school projects that seek to resolve real problems through the use of technology. The Higher Education Innovation Award recognizes outstanding efforts to incorporate Macromedia technology into campus administrative or academic computing. The Student Innovation Award rewards both K-12 and college students for their inventive portfolios and websites.

News source: Macromedia Press

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