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Mozzie team swats its latest release

Mozilla has pulled downloads of its open-source Web browser after discovering a bug that cripples dynamic HTML coding on some sites, according to the AOL Time Warner-backed group.

The bug surfaced on Mozilla 1.2, the latest version of the AOL-supported browser that was released Nov. 26. The notice on Mozilla.org was brief, noting developers would release Mozilla 1.2.1 with a software fix "shortly".

Just last week, Mozilla released version 1.2 of its Web browser, with more than a dozen new advancements. Among its updates, Mozilla 1.2 improves support for the programming language Java with Mac OS 10.2 (code-named Jaguar) and adds tools to browse the Web in clusters of related pages, or tabbed browsing.

The newest bug affects some Web pages developed with dynamic HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), or DHTML--an advanced programming language that combines JavaScript, cascading style sheets, and the Document Object Model (DOM), among other technologies, to create a page that can change dynamically after it has loaded onto a browser. Marketers have taken a shine to the technology for creating eye-catching Web advertisements.

Some people operating the newest browser noted that some advertisements did not appear on certain pages because of the bug. Others applauded Mozilla's quick response to fix the glitch.

View: Mozilla pulls latest browser downloads

News source: c|net

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